Thursday, February 26, 2015

Is this promoting sex with a wolf?!

That is bestiality and it is WRONG not to mention ILLEGAL.  Am I the only one that sees it???  I feel dirty looking at it. 

Who allowed this to go to print?!!?!  I am sure the story is captivating but the cover made me cringe. 
Its just the first thing I thought when I saw it was "um, the placement of that wolf is a bit concerning." I can't get passed it.  It looks like the wolf and the sexy man are doing...something...not sure what but it looks not right. 

I get that it is alluding to the fact that he is a werewolf  but come on!  Couldn't they have put the wolf in the the moon...or in the moon.  For god's sake the wolf is emerging from his crotch area!  And he's leaning back is sending me the wrong message.  Maybe others will not see it but I can't unsee it!

That is all, buh bye now. 

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