Monday, February 23, 2015

Stop coming to work with Ebola!!!

Okay, maybe I shouldn't joke about that but you get the idea.  We are all 100% capable of working from home if needed.  And I am sorry but if you are white as a sheet of paper, can't breathe through your nose and can't talk without coughing up something...GO HOME!

I have become Sheldon Cooper. 

I do not want your funk.  Why is this so hard for some people to grasp?!?!!?  If you are going to come to work sick at least try to stay AWAY from everyone else.  Don't parade your germs up and down the hall.  Don't touch my phone! Wear a mask!

Not only has the whole place been Lysol-ed but I also went a little Clorox Wipe crazy.  No really.  I had a wipe in each hand and wiped down every surface that might have been touched.  And watch...just watch...I am still going to get sick!

Maybe I should start working from home to avoid the funk....would I then be a hermit...would I then have to create a "support group" called "Hermits Unite"....maybe we should meet every 5 years instead of 10 to amp up the "fun"...would that defeat the purpose...conclusion, I'd be a crappy hermit. 

I am going to down some Emergen-C and hope beyond hope I do not get whatever crud I heard hacked up in the hall. 

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