Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cult of the Sacred Drunken Wookie *garbled wookie sound*

So there is this thing called Mardi Gras where I am from, you may have heard of it...  If so, you know for the month or so leading up to Mardi Gras is Carnival Season.  I know many call it all Mardi Gras but technically that is just the day everything comes to a head. 

During this "season" we have parades.  Lots of parades of varying sorts.  Some are NOT kid friendly...those usually take place in the quarter and come with a warning, sort of.  Others are walking a fine line between kid friendly and not kid friendly...those are the best.  Dirty Jokes hidden in plain sight!

Moving on, recently there was the parade of geeks/nerds/browncoats...you get the idea.  The Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus rolled and truthfully, it was super fun!  There was Star Wars everything and Trekkies and Browncoats and Whovians and, and, and OMG so many others!  The "Pope" was Andy Richter and Peter Mayhew was there too!!!

I think what I loved the most is that it WASN'T like the big super krewes and it is all made by the revelers.  Even a lot of the "throws" are homemade.  I actually got quite a bit of "loot" for it being such a small parade that most people go to just see the costumes/floats.  I was getting so much that the guy next to me, whom I'd never met, started teasing me.  It was all in good fun!  At one point a rather attractive girl gave me this glowing ring thing and he said "oh come on, she has literally gotten everything in this parade." and the girl responded "but look at her sweet little face!" So he said "what about my sweet little face?!?!" Then she said, "not sweet enough..." or something of that nature *shrugged* and skipped away. I thought it was hilarious.  I tried to share some "loot" but he didn't want anything.

Here are some pics below...some mine, some my friend's, all awesome!
Andy Richter


*garbled Wookie sound*
Phone home...?

Good job! Stay in character!
Holy $hit! This is the cosplay I was talking about in my NOCC post!!!  *argh* it's blurry and doesn't do it justice!  But seriously how awesome is it?!?!?!
Moisturize me!
*argh* blurry again :( K-9!!!

Seriously...a remote controlled T.A.R.D.I.S?!?  And the Doctor is controlling it!  Love!!!

Resistance is futile!
The "loot".  See that obnoxious light?  Yea, I got that for having such a "sweet face"

Okay, it may be a little who-centric (ONLY 4 of the 11 pics) but I couldn't upload ALL my pics...well I could, but I wont.  These are just the "best" ones.  I will definitely be attending this next year!  Maybe I'll join the Krewe...hmmmmm. 

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