Monday, February 16, 2015

I'm too old for this...

...said no New Orleanian ever!  Okay maybe SOME say this but they are lame (hehehe).  You just have to remember its a "Marathon" not a "Sprint" and your body won't hate you AS MUCH

So its Lundi Gras which around here means you either took off of work to recover from the weekend and get ready for tonight OR you are suffering through an insanely slow day while attempting to recover from the weekend. Along with trying to figure out how you are going to manage another evening of parades AND be ready for Fat Tuesday after working a full day.  Oh the insanity. 

Speaking of the weekend.  I am not THAT big of a drinker...I mean we have fun but I try to keep my wits about me.  Obviously this doesn't always happen, I am human after all....well at least I think I am *insert dramatic music*.   I can tell you that today I am not exactly hung over but I am feeling a bit *meh*.   Three nights of drinking and two days of "day drinking" has taken its toll.  Add in the horrifically unhealthy food eaten and getting about 4 hours of sleep (if that) per night and you see why I am a hot mess today.   Seriously though a side effect of parades (at least for me) is every time I close my eyes I see flashing beads, glowing headbands and brightly lit floats zooming by.  It is like my brain refused to shut off!!!!! "Sleep, why you no come to me!"

Friday was prep night...also known as "get your $hit together so you don't have to worry about it Saturday/Sunday".  While getting said $hit together wine was drunk...and it was good. I had a crazy array of stuff purchased from the store.  Two 12 packs of beer, Zapps, Kahlua White Russian, Wine, Mixers for breakfast, King cake, Mini Bluetooth speaker, Wet Ones, "and a partridge in a pear tree"...ha!   I mean it is all essential if you want to have a stress free parading, well minus the partridge...that would just be weird.  Then after that I went to the daiquiri shop and got my "starter" boos for both days.  Damn, that's a lot you might say BUT you are out there ALL DAY!  Meaning you are going to run out of drinks/food if you aren't prepared.  And honestly that is NOTHING compared to what a lot of people bring out.

Side Note - there was also food.  I just wasn't in charge of food.  Others brought FRIED chicken and jambalaya and other assortments of fillers (don't drink on an empty stomach kids...its a bad idea, mmmkay).

So we saw Luke Bryan (Endymion) and John C. Reilly (Bacchus).  And that was pretty cool.  I have battle wounds...not cool.  My left hand looks like I punched a wall but I didn't. I was attacked by a bag of beads.  My muscles hurt from holding chirren and making sure they had fun.  I have random bruises and I really don't know how I am going to eat today but it was totally worth it.  We had so much fun and that is what it is all about.  The kids were filthy and exhausted which is definitely a sign of a good day. 

I am hoping the weather holds out for tonight and tomorrow.  It looks like it is going to be windy and cold which sucks because Saturday and Sunday were GORGEOUSPerfect parading weather!!!!

So off I go to eat yet more unhealthy stuff because after a weekend of drinking and eating unhealthy all I want is a freaking chili cheese coney with tots and a coke! *mmmmmm coke*

Oh yea and let me tell you drinking and parading for two straight days means lil ole me sounds like a squeak toy.  *Ugh* I need some hot tea with honey stat!

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