Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This is why we can't have nice things

Or this is why we have so much fun...depends on how you look at it.

Going out to a nice restaurant is something an over 30 year old should be able to do without incident.  And for the most part that does happen.  But for some reason my husband and I turn into giggly 8 year olds sometimes and the results get us judge-y stares.  It doesn't help that we look very young. 

We were behaving quite normally at our most recent outing until the appetizer came out.  We are both fairly adventurous eaters. We will try most new things, especially seafood things.  So imagine how happy we were when we found out the special that night at this "fancy" place was barnacles.  Yea I said barnacles.  I have NEVER...NEVER EVER thought hey you know that algae covered thing on the bottom of a boat, yea lets eat it!  But our waitress seeing our confused looks quickly clarified that these are "gooseneck barnacles" and are from the pacific northwest area.  They grow on rocks that jut out into the ocean, not on the bottom of things in the harbor.  Okaaaaaaay, sure why not...anything sauteed in butter has got to be good, right???

Then they came out and that was it.  The maturity level at our table plummeted.  Thank GOD we waited until our waitress finished explaining how to eat them before dissolving into a fit of giggles.  True story, first thing I did was pick one up and say "*snicker, snicker* it looks like a *suppressed giggle* it looks like a tiny wrinkled deformed wee wee *snort* in a dragon scale!!!!!!!!!!!!".  I have quite an imagination.  But for reals, you have to see that they look a little, uh, questionable...


 could you....
  have kept...
 a straight face?!!??!
Come on man!

**NOTE** These are not my pics.  I had to internet search some because I didn't want to get more weird looks from the snoots at the restaurant by taking pics of my phallic looking food.

By the way you eat them kinda like a crawfish.  In the sense that you "pinch the hard tip" (like pinching the tail) and "pull gently on the meat with your teeth".  You would have lost it as well, don't lie, you have the same dirty mind I have! 

By the way, they were totally delicious!  A little weird at first but yummy none the less. 

This should have been the end of our adventure...nope!  We got our meal (also delicious) and on top of my amazing duck breast was some fried fat/skin.  Yea buddy, who don't love some cracklin.  But it was HUGE!!! I mean, waaaaaaay more than a mouthful so I had to cut it in half and then in half again.  Have you ever tried to cut a fried piece of fat/skin????  I was trying to be careful....adding a little more pressure with the knife, trying to be subtle.  When suddenly the knife slipped making a loud clattering noise and half my cracklin went shooting across the table.  "Doh!".  I said "*eep* uh, slippery little sucker", which got a giggle from my husband and an evil glare from the table next to us.  What?!?!  I'm just happy my hubs got the pretty woman reference, although he did steal the rogue piece of cracklin. 

Not everyone was giving us evil looks.  I think most thought we were an adorable couple but a few peeps were definitely looking down their noses at us.  Eh, whatever, at least we have fun!!!

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