Monday, December 8, 2014

Stop being attractive!

Okay, maybe don't stop completely.  But stop a little...or stop being charming.  You can't be both of those and crazy talented that just isn't fair. 

I am an adult, I should not have a celebrity crush but I so do.  It's stupid really but *argh* I want to vomit rainbows every time I see something about them.  Anyone else over the age of 13 have this problem?!?!  I feel like I am regressing to prepubescent times.  Ya know where you write "I love __(insert name of stupidly attractive famous person)___" on your paper bag text book cover and then draw a giant heart around it.  I mean I am not that ridiculous (I think he's hot I am NOT obsessive)

What's also annoying is he is quite talented.  I've watched many things he's been in and most are decent. Even the horrible ones are watchable...or maybe I am being nice.  Who knows.  I feel like a weirdo though.  It's like "oh so and so is in __________.  Lets record it and watch it later because reasons."

Anyways,  I keep thinking this silly crush will pass and it totally doesn't.  Then I see people doing creepy things to said person (jfc some people are MENTAL!) and I am like "OMG being famous sucks!" Then I think "thank god I'm normal.  If I ever met so and so I'd probably just smile like and idiot and not be able to form a proper sentence." Weeeeeeeeeeell not really.  I've met famous persons before and while I was nervous, I was fairly normal and I have a feeling even if I met someone I thought was stupid attractive, I'd still be semi-normal.  Because well that's just me, I'm not big on making a scene or a fool of myself, so yea. 

Moving on, I read something recently about said person and an experience they had with fans...not sure if it was a recent experience or what but it was something.  Can I just say, people are seriously out of control.  He is MARRIED!  I mean happily married as far as anyone knows and she is adorable and people do these things and I cringe because I feel so bad for them.  And as badly as I would like to meet some celebrities, I just don't think I could stand being in a crowd that is that bat-shit crazy.  It's like some people cannot see the line between fantasy and reality.  Okay so you think their character and another character on whatever show/movie should be together.  Whatever that is fine but please understand they are NOT actually those characters.  They are a real person, with a real life, and a real familyQUIT BEING UBER-CREEPY!  You are making all fans look like loonies.

So instead I will settle for checking Tumblr (stop laughing) and giggle at how silly it is to be a happily married adult and have a crush.   At least he is older than me.  It would be wrong on so many levels if I had a crush on someone younger and by younger I mean like early 20's.

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