Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I'm flattered but no thanks!

Whomever referred me to the National Association of Professional Women...why?!!?!?  While I am flattered that you think so highly of me it is not a free thing.  It is an expensive thing.  And while I do well in my profession, LIKE HELL am I going to pay $900+ annually.  Sorry.  Apparently there are lower "memberships" but you don't get all the perks.  But $700+, yea no.  How about $99 for 6 months or a year, what part of NO are you not getting?!?  Can I just say one thing...one thing...CHRISTMAS JUST HAPPENED!!!  I know some people have money to burn but hitting peeps up for hundreds of dollars at this time of year seems kind of jerk-ish.  Especially those who might be sensitive to the fact that they NEED to pay to meet people.  Ya know, alone during the holidays...sure I'll pay $900 for a membership so I can go to free seminars *face palm*.  Who knows, it could be beneficial for some but to me it sounds like a HUGE waste of money...

Well you know what, I am not that desperate for networking.  LinkedIn seems to be working just fine for me and I am not exactly shy.  Reserved yes but not shy.  So I am good...thanks.  At least I can get the "free" membership but I was told its not very good.  Eh, whatever. 

In other news why the hell is my facebook suggesting this page???

I am neither a parent nor a young girl getting her first period.  And am I reading that right....is that website called Helloflo?!!?  That my friend is kind of genius.  Also..."skip the party and go straight to the kit"...is that a thing now?  Do people throw "happy first period parties"?!?!  Cause I was not given that nor would I have wanted that when I was a young girl.  I would have died.  Who wants to celebrate womanhood.  It sucks.  Welcome to the party homey, you get to bleed once a month for at least the next 30 years.  After I screamed because I thought I was DYING, all I got was a sympathetic look from my mom, I was handed a giant maxi pad that reminded me of a diaper, and told "good luck". Side note, I knew it was coming but you try being a 13 year old waking up in a puddle of blood. 

But look at the girl...look at her!  She looks TERRIFIED.  I feel like this is one of those hostile situations where we should want to save the little one but must be cautious to not anger the soccer mom trying to "hold on to her youth" via the daughter.  Oh God, what if she's like a shapeshifter or alien or some other monster drawn to the young one because of her, um, cycle.  Someone call the Winchesters!!!

I think I need to stop watching TV....

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