Thursday, December 18, 2014

Is that all I am now? Rude? Rude and not ginger?

Well the not ginger part doesn't keep me up at night but I am starting to think age is making me care less about being rude.  But only when it is necessary!!!

Do you know how many times I had to stop myself from loud capping someone at the grocery yesterday?!?!?  Not because they were rude or whatever.  It was because they were COUGHING and SNOTTING all over the place!!!  I do not consider myself a germ-a-phobe but my skin crawls when someone does that and does NOT cover their mouth/nose. 

I was looking at a case of fresh made sushi.  Like the sushi chef had just put it down. This man was hovering next to me and went *AHHHH CHOOO*. . . all over the containers.  I, thankfully, had mine in my hand already but I just stared, gaping at him.  Then he wiped his nose with the back of his hand and leaned over to rummage through the case.  I swear he touched every single thing in there.  I was horrified!  I was so stunned I didn't even say bless you, I wanted to be like "ya nasty" but decided to just walk away. 

Later in the frozen food area a woman open mouth coughed INTO the freezer case while she was looking for something.  Like a deep chest rattling cough.  OMG! Nah, I didn't want frozen veggies, thanks. 

By the time I got to the dairy section I was very close to pulling my shirt over my mouth and nose but I didn't.  Oh I wish I had. 

Me: Lalala, oooooo cheese!!!
Man: *clearing throat repeatedly*
Me: Scoots over some, still looking at cheese
Man: *ah, ah , ah heeeeeeeem* 
Me: Turns to walk away
Man: turns his head to avoid coughing on the cheese.  Instead coughs in my face
Me: *internal screaming* I swear to god I can feel the germs invading my face
Man:  Pardon me *walks away*
Me: Twitching

I immediately dropped the cheese (on the floor) and lifted the hem of my shirt and started scrubbing my face.  I didn't care if anyone saw my not so sexy tummy.  I hand sanitized my face.  It burned...but it was a good burn.....ahhhhh burn so good. 

Then today while waiting in line the guy behind me had this personal space issue.  As in he had no idea what personal space was.  He was practically humping my @$$ and it was freaking me out.  I could feel his labored breath puffing on my neck!!!  Sorry but the only breaths I should feel like that better belong to my husband! I could envision the germs crawling in my hair *shudder*.

Lesson of the day!  Stop being disgusting.  COVER YOUR MOUTH/NOSE if you COUGH/SNEEZE!!!! I am seriously considering carrying around a can of lysol and spraying the next person who does this near me.  Would that be rude????

Ugh I need to go scald a layer of skin off.

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