Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"I know it hurt, but he/she means well."

This is one of the stupidest justification for someones actions!  I've used this excuse before to justify the actions of ex-boyfriends, friends, family, co-workers, etc.  We all have.  It's the "they don't mean to be an asshole, that's just how they are" in a different form.  It is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lame!  This is not an excuse.  If you mean well then don't be a jerk!  You should know by the time you are in High School (if not way sooner) what the difference is between right and wrong.  You should be able to, on some level, know that some topics are off limits.  Or at least what the limits are.  No one is that oblivious to body language. Have some tact people!  Look we all say stupid things sometimes but I've noticed more people feel the need to voice their stupid all the time instead of occasionally.

Yes, I understand that some need to be treated harshly to get them back to reality but sometimes I want to slap people for being utterly insensitive.  You can be a supportive friend/family member/whatever and not come off as a complete douche nozzle.

A)  You know someone trying to have babies who hasn't been successful.  Unless you know for a FACT, I'm talking 100% positive, that they will be comforted by religious shit (sorry but sometimes it is shit), I do not recommend sending them anything.  Because I can almost guarantee the "Don't worry God has a plan" email will make some struggling women lose their cool.  Yea you "mean well" but if they aren't outright asking for that kind of support you aren't helping. If anything you just created a blubbering mess that others (like their husbands or best friends) are going to have to mop up.  And don't give me the "they mean well crap".  If you mean well then be supportive, quit reminding them that God hasn't blessed them with a boo boo through electronic prayer.  That kind of comfort is a trigger, you don't need to pull it.  If you want to pray for them, then pray for them.  Prayers don't need an audience to be answered. 

B) You know someone trying to lose weight.  Stop, just effing stop.  If they do not bring up the subject, keep your pie hole shut.  Saying "you look great" is one thing, that's nice.  But doing the over the top "Oh my GOD, look at you!  You're like a totally different person." And then proceeding to bring it up to everyone you see in front of said person, saying "don't they look great, you must have lost so much weight!".  You aren't being nice...yea they may look great but you are calling attention to them by going overboard. It's embarrassing and makes everyone uncomfortable. 

B1) Also, unless said persons ask for weight loss advice or healthy eating advice don't give it.  If someone says "OMG, I need to work out" that is not an opening for you to say anything, unless it is "OMG me too" or "why?  You look fine to me *shrug*".  Now if they say, "hey I need to work out...have any suggestions?" Feel free, that is an opening. 

C)  "Have you thought of NOT dying your hair?  You know it causes damage. *picks up a piece with two fingers like it has the plague*" Um, have you thought of not being a twat booger?  What's it to you if someone does or does not dye their hair???  What does someone else's physical appearance have to do with your happiness?  Maybe dying their hair makes them feel better about themselves!  Why do YOU feel the need to make a big deal about it.  You don't mean well, you aren't looking out for their well being, you are being an asshat.  I don't care if they dyed their hair purple...it is their hair, bugger off!

D)  "You have to buy an SUV!  If you want kids you can't drive them around in a *gasp* car!!!!!  Do you want your baby to die???" What on Earth are you smoking???  That is mean, hurtful and just dumb.  Of course I don't want my nonexistent kids to die.  But my "little bitty" car has a better safety rating then your over sized gas guzzler.  The reason my car is "more dangerous" isn't because of my car at all.  It is because idiots like you who buy giant vehicles and don't know how to operate them, therefore putting the rest of us in danger.  I am not over extending myself because people like you don't know how to drive.  Shut up!  You don't mean well, you are an idiot.  If you want safer roads, start with yourself.  If you want an SUV, good on you, learn how to drive it.  My BFF has a ginormous SUV thing but I am cool with it because she knows how to drive it and park it!

Here is a bit of advice.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion but unless someone asks for it keep it to yourself.  Otherwise you are intentionally hurting someone.  There is no excuse for it, you are being hurtful just to be hurtful even if you try to justify it with "but I mean well".

Obviously this does not apply to someone who is endangering themselves.  I guess for instance the hair dye comment is totally acceptable if it is causing physical harm to said person.  But as said before, there are better ways to bring it up.  Don't be an asshat!

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