Monday, May 18, 2015

What you mean I talk funny...?

In all my 30 odd years I have NEVER thought I had an accent.  Apparently I do but it isn't necessarily "Southern" and it isn't necessarily "Yat" but something mixed.  If you don't know what "Yat" is...well it is a way we speak in the NOLA area.  Its abrasive and most of it makes no sense unless you are from down here.  I KNOW there are a bazillion lists of "Words only New Orleanians know" or "Southern Slang" or whatever but in my profession I speak to quite a few peeps from out of town and now I am making my own list (if you don't like it, bite me)

What brought this on?  Well I went to the store and my husband said "Are you making groceries?" to which I replied "Yes" without a second thought.  He said "the fact that you didn't even flinch at that terminology baffles me."  That is just what we say. I was brought up hearing that so it doesn't seem odd to me. Its not like he's from Canada or something...he's from 60 Miles north of NOLA!!!

So here is my list of $hit I say because I from NOLA/Louisiana: (don't shoot me if I spelled it "wrong".  There are like a million ways to spell some of dem. Also, different areas have different meanings for some...this is what they mean where I come from)

1.) Makin' Groceries - It means I am grocery shopping or going grocery shopping. 
2.) K&B Purple - It's a color that we can only apply to this particular local drug store chain that sold out to Rite Aid like 20 years ago. 

3.) Down the Bayou - South, usually anything South of Hwy 90.  i.e. Lafourche/Terrebonne/etc. Parishes
4.) Up the Bayou - Please don't make me explain that
5.) Going to The Island - Grand Isle, its all we got, shooosh
6.) Tha Parish - St. Bernard (Chalmette)
7.) Neutral Ground - It's not a median!
8.) Streetcar - It's not a Trolly!
9.) Hurricane - A really strong fruity drink that WILL kick your @$$
10.) A Storm - What most others call a Hurricane i.e. "There's a storm in the Gulf"
11.) The devil's beating his wife - Its raining while the sun is out
12.) Cockroach - A palmetto bug (bug who shall not be named), they effing fly!!!
13.) Doodlebug - Roly Poly, Pill Bug, those little grayish things in your garden that curl up into a ball!
14.)  Where'd you go to school? - We are asking about High School NOT college...its a thing...I can't explain it
15.) Grammar School - Primary School/Elementary School - I'm not sure if its a southern thing but people look at me funny when I say Grammar School...
16.) Boude' - Angry/Pout "Don't show me that Boude' face" usually said to a pouting child/baby
17.) Chouchoot - Thingy...usually an unidentifiable thingy...usually said when I can't remember the name of something.
18.) Bebette - a critter...something scary...a small monster...thing
19.) Dressed - This is something for Po-boys/Burgers/Sandwiches...basically its asking or stating you want Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles and Mayo
20.) Po-Boy - The most amazing sandwich ever!  Some might compare it to a hoagie or sub but its WAY better and on better bread (French Bread FTW!)
21.) Freesons - Goosebumps, Gooseflesh...a sign that you are cold
22.) Gris-gris - I ain't telling you, then you will know :P
23.) Envie - Craving "I got the envie for some pickles."  sometimes said when a woman has baby fever or is um feeling frisky "Ooooo that gurl got the envie"
24.) Peeshnick - like a pinch or flick
25.) Qui C'est q'ca? - What's that?
26.) Toc-toc - Also, known as Popcorn for you uninteresting people *wink*
27.) Trinity - Not the religious thing...this is for cooking (celery, onions and bell pepper) 
28.) Arrete toi - Stop! - Said to my puppy recently which got me some stares from the hubs
29.) Minou (Meenew) - Cat
30.) Couillon (Couyon) - idiot
31.) Cayoodle - Mutt
32.) Get Down - As in "You gonna get down at my house?" Like get out the car, go inside
33.) Pass by - Visit someone
34.) Shotgun - It's a house NOT a Weapon, well it is a depends on context
35.) Mais, talk about - Obviously....Almost like saying well yea


36.) Come see - Come over here
37.) Bobo - I had no idea this was a down here thing!  Its a cut or minor injury. 
38.) Brake Tag - Also known as an "Inspection Sticker" but I don't like saying that
39.) Go Cup - apparently in other areas you can't bring your alcoholic beverages out of the establishment...who knew
40.) Hickey - Not the thing ya boi gives you on your neck...its a bump on the head
41.) What is this North, South, East, West - Oh you mean Towards the lake, Towards the river, Uptown, Downtown...gotcha
 42.) Sunday Dinner - usually takes place around 2PM at Mimi's (Mamie, Mawmaw, Mamare, etc) house. And it's a BIG meal.

Dats all I got...for now...These are things I have said recently to out of towners and got the blank stare.   I love when they try to correct I am not WRONG, or a Couillon (ha!), I just speak differently.

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