Friday, May 8, 2015

I just geeked out over a Crime Drama person...character...thing

Two posts in one day, count yourself lucky!  I was working on something for a Client and they said they needed to add someone to their account.  Okay, email me.

I just got the email...the new person wants his user info to be ahardy.  What?!?!?  Is he also grumpy and Scottish?!?  Please tell me he's at least a detective.

His name is not the same.  Darn, hahaha.  If his name would have been Alec or even Alex, I may have died laughing. But he is a security guard...I've been laughing for ten minutes.  Can you IMAGINE that character being a Mall Cop.  That would be HILARIOUS!  I watched the crap outta that, ha!

My co-workers are wondering why I find this so funny. Educate yourself people!  Watch British television, tee hee hee.

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