Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Can you take away an adult's phone? Suspend their Facebook? Stop the insanity?!?!

Okay let me clarify I am an adult.  I am speaking of someone who is much older than me.  You know a "baby boomer".  But someone who is embracing the advances in tech instead of muttering about how anti-social they are making us. 

The problem is...I think they are over-embracing.  I use social media, I use all kinds of tech, BUT I make sure I don't stay glued to it 24/7.  For instance, I miss things ALL THE TIME that are posted on FB because I am not constantly on it.  Others are on it always and they see all.  No really, I can't tell you how many times I am lost in the conversation because it revolves about something posted on FB/Twitter/Pinterest/etc. and no one seems to feel the need to explain the post for those of us that may have missed it because we are doing other things, like I dunno...WORKING!

Point being you can do whatever you want, if being glued to a phone/tablet/laptop is your thing more power to you but please...please...please just be an observer most of the time.  You don't have to like/share/comment on everything. It isn't necessary.

It amazes me how fast this person sees my stuff.  I post pics from an activity, I suddenly have 15 notifications all from the same person...I'm talking within seconds of me posting it most of the time.  All I can think is that they have an alert on FB that goes off every time I post something.  It is rather creepy.  I feel like I am being stalked.  They also comment on EVERYTHING!  Even if it isn't necessary...its things like "cute pic" on everything they see...even when it isn't very cute (or meant to be cute) at all.  Or talking to the subject of the picture, even if said subject doesn't have a FB and is say a dog/cat.  Here and there is fine but every.single.time. OR signing every comment with Love, (insert name).  I know who you are...I can see your name and picture....STAHP...it makes me want to block them from seeing my stuff.  I've made passing comments but they aren't received well.  The issue is if I say something more direct I am being a "biotch" or being "silly".  I am NOT, I am being annoyed and want you to quit cyber stalking me!!!  Fine, "like" everything I post, I'll give you that *developing migraine*

Then there is the 3,000+ daily posts about non-sense.  Recipes, DIYs, political BS that isn't true half the time....the list is endless.  Yes it is your FB, you can do what you want but one YOU HAVE A PINTEREST USE IT!  And two at least make sure the $hit you post is somewhat accurate.  If I see one more Obama bashing article that is untrue but a praising article about Gov Jindal that is also UNTRUE I am going to lose my mind.  I am not supporting or bashing either of the above, I am stating that unless it is TRUE (from a reliable source) don't share it...also, if its from The Onion know it is satirical....you look dumb...and for the love of all that is holy DO NOT tag me in any of that CRAP!

My social media consists of me posting pics of my activities (sometimes), my animals (when they are cute/funny), pics I took (rarely just me, i.e. no selfies), me being sarcastic, on twitter...crap about TV Shows/Movies, on Pinterest whatever I want, no one looks at it anyway (Ha!).

And no I did not see that thing you posted at 12AM about the deadly virus that our president secretly released into the populace to kill only non Muslims.  *bashing head on desk* That is not true nor is it logical...how can you target...I mean in fiction MAYBE but how can you even remotely BELIEVE that!?!?!?

So I am thinking about hijacking their phone and changing a bunch of settings for my own sanity.  I never thought I'd have to use child controls, ya know since I don't have those, much less on a grown @$$ person. 

It's not just this one person either.  I've seen others of the same age do it to other people I know, this is just an account of my own personal Social Media Hell.....

Maybe I should host a "Social Media Etiquette" seminar.  I'll go over things like "if you post it EVERYONE can see it", "Nothing is ever truly deleted from the internet", "Just because you think it, doesn't mean you should post it", and my personal fav "Just because it is online doesn't make it true".

Side Note:  If that deadly virus thing turns out to be true, Ima feel real bad for like 2 seconds, then I am going to laugh hysterically...but I won't apologize for this rant, nope...not.gonna.happen.

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