Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I still think its Aliens!

So I saw this video being shared repeatedly in my Facebook feed and I am a bit concerned.

Here is a LINK to the Video. That link isn't working anymore, this this one or this one.

My first thought is ALIENS!  Someone call The Doctor &/or Mulder & Scully we are under attack, maybe.  I mean it sounds like some weird mix of Close Encounters of the Third Kind with War of the Worlds (2005). Tell me I am not right?!?

Close Encounters:

War of the Worlds:

So of course I was going to reply with my fav Meme

But someone beat me to it on every post...DOH!

Anyways, I read down on the comments on a few of them.  Some people were like "Aliens, haha.  No...I hear trumpets...it sounds like the '7 Trumpets of Revelation', praise Jesus", others were like "Praise the Lord, he is watching out for us." A few were like "Angelic Trumpets, it is beautiful!" Still others were like "God is good, he sends us such beauty." Thankfully there were some peeps like me saying "Um that is creepy!" or "That isn't beautiful, it is terrifying!"

My first thought was, "wow you are quite the set of religious buffs".  My second thought was "Wait...Revelation...doesn't that mean the end of times...?" I might be Catholic by upbringing but I couldn't for the life of me remember the lore about the trumpets so I went to my old friend Google.

"Seven trumpets are sounded, one at a time, to cue apocalyptic events that were seen in the vision of the Revelation of Christ Jesus, by John of Patmos, as written in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament." Source

Hold up...that...that...THAT is the beginning of the Apocalypse! Screw calling The Doctor, someone call the Winchesters! That isn't beautiful!!!  Stop saying it is so wonderful!  If that noise is the Angelic Trumpets do you know what that means?!!?!?  That means we are all f**ked! Sorry but I don't care how "religious" you are...the END OF THE WORLD...the RAPTURE is not something that sounds pleasant...I don't want to experience it!  Haven't you people seen "This is the End"?!?!?! I, for one, don't want to get my @$$ kicked by Hermione while trying to avoid a seven headed beast emerging from the ground, hoping I ascend soon...just saying.

So what do you think it is???  The original poster said the sound "comes from the sky"...what on Earth (or not on Earth) could it be?!?!

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