Thursday, April 9, 2015

When you get to a certain age, the bitterness fairy descends upon you and makes you a horrible person!

That may sound mean and generalizing but lately it seems true.  Or maybe my family/extended family are a bunch of @$$holes that once we turn 60, feel the need to unleash the bottled up fury on unsuspecting persons. 

And by unsuspecting persons I mean me.  Now most of it wasn't directed at me so to say but the things I was told made me cringe.  Examples below (there was so much more but I wont bore you).

Old Person:, knows fully well I am working out, trying to lose some inches.  They say "Oh you've gained weight.  I mean look at your calves, they are at least twice the size they used to be.  Won't working out just make them bigger?  They shouldn't get bigger, then you'd look like a dyke"
Me: *stunned stare* A...a...a what?  That's not very nice and a wildly inappropriate term and no they are not twice their size nor will they get "bigger" *geesh*

Old Person: That "woman" *said with utter disdain* steals his money.  She's a golddigger, she NEVER wanted anything more than his money.  She came from nothing and leeches off of him.
Me: *developing a migraine* Are you sure?  I don't think that is accurate...they've been married for 20+ years and I distinctly remember her having a job and owning a home BEFORE...she was pretty independent. 
Old Person: You are so naive
Me: *screaming in my head* Wow...

Old Person: *speaking of my grandma from the other side of the family* Gertie would never allow that. She tried to control everything.
Me: Huh, you mean Gammie?  My grandmother?
Old Person: I KNOW your grandmother, her name is Gertie not Gammie. 
Me: What are you going on about?  I call her Gammie....
Old Person:  I coulda punched her in the face the first time we met *goes into a more than likely 
UNTRUE telling of a story I've never heard*
Me: Oh for the love of...That was before I was born...I am over 30...why does that even matter?
Old Person:  Because you speak highly of them and they are dirt
Me: *shaking with frustration* Woooooooooooooow....

Me: Look at this adorable picture of Uncle so and so's grand niece!
Old Person: Oh is that "HER" niece's daughter?
Me: Yes...
Old Person:  She's not very pretty
Me: That's ludicrous, she's gorgeous (and she's 6)
Old Person:  No, she isn't.  She is homely...ugly even
Me: That is an awful thing to say about a child!
Old Person:  She's not my family, doesn't matter
Me: *beating head on table* 

Old Person: Her husband is an alcoholic and has a gambling problem
Me: What? *getting concerned*  No he doesn't she would have told me if something was wrong.
Old Person:  He does.  He spends all their money and leaves nothing for her and the kids
Me: He works TWO jobs, that doesn't make any sense and he LOVES his kids AND wife
Old Person: He's not good enough for her.  He's a bad provider, you are so naive
Me: *jfc* Please don't spread that rumor...I don't think ANY of that is true.

Old Person:  Who was at the holiday dinner?
Me: Oh, the usual suspects.  Me, hubs, my brothers, their wives and kids.
Old Person: Step
Me: Huh? 
Old Person:  They are NOT your brothers.
Me: Um, yes they are
Old Person:  You have no relation to them except your father is married to THAT woman.
Me: *losing my cool* OMG! Look, "family don't end with blood", alright...and they've been married for almost 25 years!!!!

I just hate the anger, the rudeness, the BITTERNESS!  You have got to let some things go!  Just shoot me if I ever go down this path.  This is NO WAY to live.  Who wants to be in their golden years and absolutely HATE everyone.  Who the f**k holds onto grudges for over 20 years...30 years in some cases.  That CANNOT be good for your metal state.   Also, don't sit there and claim to be all religious.  You are NOT living like God taught us or whatever.  You covet your "neighbors" belongings, you hate everyone, you LIE all the are NOT a good person, you are toxic and you just justified why I rarely visit!

Will I go back...yes, I have to because family and I want to...not really....will it be often...nope.

On a completely unrelated note - One of these persons is also a borderline hoarder...I swear I break out in hives every time I visit.  Who the f**k needs 8 boxes of creamer and 6 cases of cereal???  And no its not for a huge family...TWO PEOPLE...TWO!

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