Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I might not be the bravest person but I'd like to think I would have done SOMETHING...

I'm just going to leave this here...

If you've read my stuff before, you know how I feel about blaming the victim.  The article doesn't victim blame exactly but some of the comments on FB made me want to stab people.  She was RAPED in broad daylight...not just raped, gang raped...while bystanders did nothing...NOTHING

This is the article.

This is a link to the FB page comments.

I am not going to beat a dead horse by repeating my mantra but people saying things like "how could she not remember she was raped?" (FYI being drugged really messes with your head, just saying!) and "She was on Spring Break, she should know that's what people do." and "She should have been more careful." (how about men shouldn't think that its OKAY to do this.) It made me want to cry.  Cry for her, cry for these "kids" who think THIS is normal because its "Spring Break", cry for humanity...God this is just sick!

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