Thursday, April 23, 2015

Because of a F**KING bug is a perfectly acceptable answer to, "Why are you running around naked and screaming?"

So this is a "Throwback Thursday" of sorts because I don't think I ever posted about this happening.

So before we got married my now husband spent quite a bit of time En mi casa (I know, I know HARLOT).   We would go out in one of our respective towns and then crash at my place.  We were engaged by this point. 

One night we went out with my friends and were having a very in depth discussion when we got home.  As we were talking we were both undressing to go shower because we REEKED of smoke (clubbing in NOLA).  So I was mid sentence as I walked through the bathroom door and flicked on the light. Below is what happened.

Me: *turns on light* So that is why they got back to...*sees reflection in mirror* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

**Note**: There is the mother of all "Bug who shall not be named" dangling from the top of the door frame ABOVE MY HEAD!

Not yet hubs: *not looking in my direction* What?
Me: *Runs INTO the bathroom and jumps on top the toilet seat* *whimpering noises*
Not yet hubs: OMG kill it!
Me: Me kill it!?!!?  You kill it!!! I am NAKED!
Not yet hubs*but ass nekkid on the other side of the room*  You are closer
Me:  WTF am I supposed to kill it *gestures at my sans clothing form* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK *Its starting to flutter its wings*
Not yet hubs: I dunno, you are still closer *edging toward the bedroom door*
Me: *almost in tears* Give me a F**KING shoe at least!
Not yet hubs: *Throws a shoe AT me* *spooks the evil creature into taking flight*
Me: *screaming like I'm being murdered* Omg omg omg omg  *manages to find shoe* Die mother f**ker!!!!!!! *squish*
Not yet hubs: Is it dead?
Me:  *sobbing* I hate you!  *thing starts twitching* Ahhhhhh!  *bang bang bang* Okay I think its dead now.
Not yet hubs: We are both naked.
Me: I feel so dirty *shudder*

I swear I flushed the toilet 8 times to make sure it was gone!!!

A few weeks later was a couples party for our upcoming BFF whom I told the story to gave us a can of Raid and told my not yet hubs not to sacrifice me to the "bug who shall not be named"  again (she left off the "especially if she is without clothing" part because parents and grandparents were present)

So the lesson I learned that night/morning (at 3AM) was that my not yet hubs was just as scared of, if not MORE scared of, a "bug that shall not be named" than I am...and that is saying something. 

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