Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jesus take the wheel!

White knuckle driving doesn't even begin to describe my drive into work today.  I should have worked remote but it looked like it was clearing up so I drove in. . .BIG MISTAKE!
I waited to leave because there was a monsoon at my house and I knew the front of my hood would be flooded (I live in a swamp...a re-purposed swamp but still a swamp).  I checked the radar and figured it would be safe to venture out.  Look I don't mind driving in the rain, I mind other drivers who apparently never took physics.  The radar looked okay at 6:40AM...this was the Radar at 7:30AM...*waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*
Aside from the blinding rain, my biggest concern was seeing so many vehicles on the side of the road.  I am not talking about pulled over for safety...I am talking about vehicles in the trees and against the guard rails.  Which I guess shouldn't be surprising since people apparently drive either 20 mph or 90 mph in the rain...there is no in between.
"Oh my god stop tailing me!"
"How are you driving that fast in this?!?!"
"How can you see the freaking road!"
"Holy $hit! At least put your flashers on if you are going to go that slow."
Of course the torrential downpour puddled on the interstate causing my car to randomly yell at me. *ding, ding, ding* *hydroplaning light flashing*
"yes, ol girl I know we are skidding!"
*ding ding ding* "Then f**king slow down!" 
"Don't tell me how to drive!"
*ding ding ding* "b**ch!"

Aside from the sheets of rain, the f**king angels were playing with strobe lights.  I swear a rave was going on in the sky.  *techno music playing* Once it struck the tree line next to me I decided the angels are on a bad trip and I REALLY should have just stayed home!  #angelsared**ks

It got even better as I got closer to my exit and traffic came to a standstill.  I mean who doesn't just LOVE sitting on the interstate in basically a hurricane while emergency vehicles blow past on the shoulder making your car have a seizure.  Hmmm, I wonder if the person in the wreck was going 90MPH...

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