Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dammit Timehop... broke the space-time continuum!  The Doctor would be so mad....
So apparently I tried to Time Travel this morning and failed (typical me), dang it!  Now I am curious where I would have gone.   I want to travel to the past...I think.  I mean a year ago I could have been having a wonderful time instead of attempting to be productive (and failing at it)

In other news, I really feel like Agent Coulson created this for deal with his "issues"

"Tahiti. It's a magical place."
But I am a bit scared to try it...what if it's a ploy...can you say Hydra (or S.H.I.E.L.D.) mind control...maybe...

Also,  my cat made a salt ring in my kitchen and sat in it.  I don't have a picture because it was 3AM and I didn't have my phone with me.  But when I got up to let Speedy out, I flicked the light on to the kitchen.  There sat Demon Spawn in the middle of the floor.  She looked at me and "meowed".   It took a minute to figure out what was all over the floor.  She apparently knocked the salt container off the counter and "played" with what came out.  It wasn't a perfect ring BUT she was in the middle of a ton of salt. 

My reaction: 
"Is that salt?"
"What did you do?"
*Waking up enough to process what I am seeing* 
"OMG, seriously!??!  Do we have a f**king ghost"or something!?!"
"I'm going back to bed"

I didn't fall asleep very fast after that!  When I got up for work, the salt was still on the floor but no longer in a discernible ring and the stupid cat was MIA.  So now I am wondering if I imagined the whole thing but there was CLEARLY salt on the floor...maybe I need to stop watching's giving my cat ideas. 

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