Saturday, June 28, 2008

4th First Date, Yea Another One ;)

Seriously, Do I have "I Dorks, tattooed to my Forehead"????

So I went on a date with this guy. He works with at the same company as my Aunt. Talked to him on the phone and saw some pics and he seemed cute-ish. The PROBLEM, in the pics he had on a hat and/or sunglasses. So we meet up and my first thought was "Hmmmmm, he kinda looks like my High School Sweetheart", and that was it no chance of attraction. Not that I do not like my HS Sweetheart but I wouldn't want to date him again therefore this date was pretty much over the second it started. But you can't hold it against him so I gave it a chance.

We went eat at Outback and there was a wait. So we are waiting in the bar area and I am like "I need a BEER", haha (it had been a ROUGH week). So he goes to get us drinks. I am standing there and this guy walks up to his wife, who is sitting at the bar in-front of me and says "Dumb blonde hostess said 20 min, 25 min ago and now just said another 15 min to wait. Dumb blonde b---h." I didn't say anything, then he turned around and was like "Oh hey there, uh no offense." And his wife/gf told me I could feel free to dump my drink on him. He he. They were super nice and funny. There were two seats by them and they offered them to me and my date. Well the guy turns around and sees my date with this MASSIVE beer (Abita Amber) and he said "Think you can drink all that man." To which my date replied, "Its for her." The guy turned to me and said "Thats for you? My kinda girl!" And gave me high five for it ;) Haha. Well my date sat down and he didn't have a drink. So I am thinking "OMG really another NON-drinker, are you freaking kidding me!" Not that I want someone who is a hardcore drinker but I like to have fun and I usually drink soooooooooooooooo someone who will drink with me would be nice.

Well our new friends went to stalk a table by the bar, and we talked and kinda got to know each other a little while waiting for a table. Well I notice the table behind us is about to pay and since we are in the bar and its every man for himself in that area I started watching closely. He was like are you really gonna snatch that table when they get up...I was like HELL YEA, I'm hungry ;) haha. So I did and he was like, WOW. That's when I realized how "Innocent" he was.

So here's the low down: He drinks just not a-lot...just because, he has NEVER tried any Abita beers and he has lived here all his life, He's never HEARD of Jager - which blows my mind because he went to college, he doesn't really go out, he lives on some acreage his parents gave him and has farm stuff, he's an IT guy, he's into NASCAR (I almost died), his idea of fun is outdoor anything (4-wheelers, camping, fishing, etc - Cool, I can dig that), his last gf was protestant and he talked with her parents about not having sex until marriage..............and he thinks I am just the most beautiful thing in the world - oh lord.

OK so he was VERY nice, I mean seems like a great guy BUT he was such a dork. And not in a cute dork way, like really kinda geeky/dweeby. Well after dinner (and a very large beer) he asked if I wanted to go to a movie. I started to say no, but I decided to go anyway. So we go see "Wanted", which if you like really far fetched Matrix type stuff is great. I liked it but some scenes were so out there I was laughing (thats terrible right). Well the movie was like 1.5 hr away from starting so we went get a drink while waiting. And he got a drink with me (Cool). He decided to try an Abita which he said was too strong, he much prefers a bud light...OYE. I am so not a Bud Girl unless I am tubing and even then its BUD not Bud light. But to each his own. I also found out he really hasn't tried hard liquor until recently but only rum, JD & tequila but he didn't really like them...much prefers beer.

Anyways we are in the bar and I go to use the restroom and this random drunk guy stops me and says "I don't want you to feel left out, can I give you a hug." to which I replied "I have Mace" and his friends just about died laughing, and asked me to stick around. I ended up giving him a hug and told them I was on a date. They were like....Ohhhhhh, with him, really. Whatever silly drunks. But it kinda sucked bc the guy that hugged me was really cute! Anyway, right before the movie I went potty again and as I was walking to the door, it flung open at me and this woman said sorry. Then she said, "Hey, the Hot girl, don't worry honey my friend that liked you left." I was like darn, but I laughed.

Ok, so all throughout the movie he kept trying to hold my hand and I had my arms folded or in my lap...not bitchy standoffish but standoffish none-the-less. Well at one point he was like are you cold and offered an arm and I was like no I'm good (I know not nice but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea). After the movie he brought me back to my car and I hugged him and said thanks and jumped out of the MASSIVE 4x4 pick-up. He was like I'll call you, I said uh ok sure and hopped in my car.

So like I said very nice, but ZERO attraction. We talked a-lot and joked so I could see him as a friend but nothing more. But I mean seriously why are these guys always after me. Do I have an I date dorks sign on me? I guess I am just too nice, whatever.

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