Thursday, July 3, 2008

Its official...I attract weirdos!

Did you know guys can become obsessively attached to a woman...even without meeting her?!?!?!?!

Ok so that guy from my "3rd 1st date" entry is still driving me Koo Koo. He randomly texts me. He sends me cutesy stuff on BOTH of my social networking sites, most of which I delete or click ignore. He also IM's me just to say hey and asks me rather personal questions about my life and future. He's really a nice guy (usually) but I am just not interested.

Then there is this other guy. He found me on one of the Social Network sites and sent me a couple messages. He's older like 36 and has a 12 yr old daughter (yikes). He seemed really nice though so I added him as a friend but he can only see limited info about me. We chatted back and forth so I finally gave him one of my IM names to chat. Suddenly I am BOMBARDED with goofy apps on both Social Network Sites. Like kisses, hugs, cuddles, positions, etc etc etc. Then there was the killer app. The one that made me realize that no matter how old men get they will never freaking grow up!

It is called the "Buy your friends" application. Well these two guys I've mentioned were evidently having a war over who "owned" me. This would go on all freaking day, un-known to me. I really do not pay attention to that stuff. Well anyways the older guy, lets call him pops, really freaked me out last Tuesday by sending me a very intimate comment. Well I deleted it and happened to mention to the first guy, lets call him boy-wonder, how it weirded me out a little bit but I thought it was funny. Well that was it. Boy-Wonder started this HUGE ordeal with pops. I wasn't home so I had no access to a computer to witness it but I got a gazillion messages on the site from both of them.

The next day I log in and see all this idiocy. Boy-Wonder was totally out of line but pops fell into the testosterone driven cyberspace fight that commenced. Boy-Wonder actually took it to the point that he told pops he was my boyfriend and to leave me alone. To which pops replied then tell your girlfriend to stop talking to me. Then Boy-Wonder took it too far. He made a rude comment about pops' 12 year old daughter. Saying he was a pedifile, he liked little girls etc etc etc. Well then the little girl gets involved. It was a NIGHTMARE of stupidity!

I gave both of them a piece of my mind via cyberspace ;) haha. TOld them how stupid and immature they were and that if either of them had the slimmest chance of dating me before it was completely gone now because I hate drama and thats all they caused. Mind you I went on 1 date with Boy-Wonder and have never met Pops. Well all day, I am getting I'm sorry B.S. from both of them on both sites. I finally told both of them if they didn't leave me alone I would block them with no chance of them being re-added as a friend. They chilled out real quick.

But how stupid was all that. I was playing online mediator to two guys who don't know me but thought they could lay claim to me. I thought dating was hard before but good god is this all thats left out there? Dumbarses that do nothing but cyber-fight over their "women". This is freaking ridiculous!

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