Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Car is Tempermental!!!

When it rains it freakin' pours...

My luck this week has been grrrreeeaaaattt! OK so I go get my Oil Changed last Friday at the 5 min oil near my office. And the guys are like 19 - 20 yr old and holy crap they were shamelessly flirting with me. I was like, "helloooooo keep ya eyes under the hood". Well anyways I am sitting there and I hear *bang, bang, bang* so I stuck my head out the window and was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! He said "Oh its stuck" I was like, "um so you took a hammer to it?" He laughed and took off whatever he was trying to get to. Well, I noticed my music had gone off but it came back on so I was like, stupid station.

Flash Forward to Saturday night - I am working for my promo model job and plugged my phone in while driving. When I got to the promo I noticed my phone hadn't charged and I was like...Crap it wasn't plugged in all the way. No biggie.

Flash to Monday - Driving to work phone wont charge...I'm thinking: "Uh oh my phone is dying...ahhhhhh". Get to work and it charges, whew. Now I am thinking "Oh crap my AC Adapter went out. Grrrr!"

Flash to Tuesday - I am told by our in house Mechanic I probably blew a fuse. He finds the blown fuse, changes it and it blows immediately, he changes that one, and *POP* that one goes too. He says I may have a short someplace (fabulous!). He says no biggie, we'll check it out tomorrow since its just the AC Adapter.

Flash to Wednesday - (OK mind you it has not rained since last week at this point). I am driving to work and go, "hey my windshield it dirty, lets clean it". *presses wiper button* nothing happens...*presses button again* nothing still. *starts panicking in car because its about to rain and am on I-10* "ahhhhhhhhhh".

Come to find out. JACK ASSES at 5 minute oil scrapped the metal screwdriver on a wire (exposing part of the wire) while banging around in my car, which sent a surge to my phone charger, creating a short in it....this caused the charger to continually FRY the fuses WHICH were connected to not just my AC Adapter but my wipers, power windows and dome lights.

Needless to say my car was not doing so hot at that point.

Thank goodness we have an in house mechanic or I would have completely freaked out. Oh wait it gets better, while he is figuring out what keeps killing my fuses, they discover I need new brake pads & have a nail in my tire. OMG REALLY!

Well anyways all is fixed now but I have had one heck of a week with my poor little car ;)!

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