Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am so tired of this B.S.

Why is it that when I am ready to "talk" the other person is NOT and Vice Versa!?!?

It never fails. I have been wanting to lay all the cards on the table for a few weeks now. Talk about how we are going to "split" things etc. Well he has avoided my inquiries since the last time we talked. So instead I have been "fishing" for answers. I hate doing this!!! It's not me, I am all about if you don't want to tell me something Fine, but in this case its a bit different. So I feel like I have been nagging and OMG I hate being that person. Well being all frustrated I have been quite sharp with my comments, meaning I've been taking chop shots because I do not know what to think. Not the most mature thing but I am hurting and somewhere in my subconscious I want him to feel the same hurt he is causing me to feel. I think I want him to suffer which is weird bc I am not usually vengeful but HOLY CRAP I think he deserves it after all the B.S. he has put me through since my birthday!

Anyways like I said I have been trying to talk and instead I end up being a super defensive biotch and its just not helping the situation. So on to why I am tired of the B.S. Last night I had to go to driving school in BR (stupid speeding ticket). I decided I might spend the night at my grandparents house since it was going to be late by the time I got out. Well while I am still at work (and on the phone with a customer mind you) I have the following IM conversation with A-hole:

(12:14:22 PM) A-Hole: so you not coming back tonight?
(12:14:44 PM) Me: I dunno, depends on when the class lets out
(12:14:49 PM) A-Hole: k
(12:14:52 PM) Me: y?
(12:15:02 PM) A-Hole: just curious
(12:15:06 PM) Me: oh
(12:15:33 PM) A-Hole: don't want to get yelled at for not getting dinner for two people or turning on the alarm
(12:21:38 PM) Me: :P\
(12:21:41 PM) Me: I said I was sorry
(4:10:17 PM) A-Hole: ?
(4:10:31 PM) A-Hole: did you bring clothes to stay in BR?
(4:10:34 PM) Me: yea
(4:11:04 PM) A-Hole: I would like to be alone tonight, so if you wouldn't staying up there, it would be appreciated...oh and zeus lost another 6 pounds
(4:11:39 PM) Me: ???????
(4:12:03 PM) Me: What is that all about?
(4:12:31 PM) A-Hole: I just don't feel like putting up with arguing or bickering ok?
(4:14:31 PM) Me: I want to talk to you not argue with you. I said I was sorry about all that. I dont want to do that either.
(4:17:42 PM) A-Hole: well you can call and we can talk..I just want to be alone tonight
(4:17:48 PM) Me: I hate this
(4:17:52 PM) Me: this is stupid, sorry
(4:17:58 PM) A-Hole: why?
(4:22:46 PM) Me: it just is to me. I know I annoy you now and I dont want to. Ive never been a nag in my life and I was recently and it drives me insane.
I just dont like to be told over IM that I am being requested not to come home. Ill call you...eventually. And I do want to talk...again. and tell you why I have been so flipping upset.
(4:24:27 PM) A-Hole: why is it to you? seriously..I'm asking nicely....I just want to be alone...if you don't understand that, you can come back and I'll head on down to thibodaux....I apologize for telling you over this, but I didn't feel like calling you at work at telling you this
(4:25:28 PM) Me: You made me freaking cry while on the phone with a customer...I know you didn mean it but it still happened. Its fine. It just also seemed like you were pointing a finger at me about the zeus thing bc it was attached to the other thing
(4:25:51 PM) A-Hole: no I wasn't...again..I apologize..I'll leave you alone
(4:26:39 PM) Me: its ok. It just shocked me
(4:28:02 PM) Me: All I asked (in my text earlier) was for us to act civil with each other. It applies as much to me as you. It wasn;t meant to be mean just a suggestion
(4:28:28 PM) A-Hole: I didn't take it as mean
(4:28:44 PM) Me: k

So I call him (for some stupid reason) to check on the dog. He doesn't answer so I leave a message. He called me back all jerkish and cocky and wanted to know what I wanted. I asked about the dog and he told me and then just sat there. So I told him I had to go and he said to call him later.

Well during class I sent a text out to all my buddies that knew I had to go to driving school (including him) and said "This Sucks!". He replies " Come back to the house so we can talk. I'm tired of dragging this out." So I started to reply while I was on a break but got annoyed and just called. His VM picked up. So I said "I cannot come home. This class isn't supposed to let out until 9PM and I don't really want to drive that late if I don't have to. Plus I wont get home until after 10PM, are we really going to sit down and hash all this out at that hour?! Look I don't know what you are going to tell me, but please think long and hard about what you are going to say because I don't think I can take being crushed yet again." and hung up. All of this was said very calm and normal not angry. He called back right away and asked why I got so pissed when he just wanted to talk like I've been asking for. I got a little mad but tried to contain it. I told him again what I thought. He said whatever your dog is being stupid! And we hung up. Mature right?

So after class and after I went to a later dinner with my grandparents I decided not to call him like I said I would do. Instead I sent him a text "Well I am out. I am suddenly terrified to talk to you...bc I am so scared of being blindsided again. It's been on my mind all night...good night dear friend."

I still haven't heard from him and do not expect to until I get home later. Am I wrong for being annoyed? I mean I have been trying to take care of this for weeks and of course it doesn't cross his mind until I am not even close to home and not ready...WTF!

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