Monday, October 31, 2016

It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus, right?

I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red

I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song 

Yay, my FAVORITE holiday!!!  So of course I am in something Halloween-y, right...  
Its f**king 90 degrees outside...HELLO, Mother Nature, its OCTOBER...WTF?!?!  Anyways, I bought this shirt, so I am wearing it!

Moving on.  I also had bats in my hair, orange & black nail polish, and black & orange eye lashes.  I don't really leave my office...its fine.  Until your boss calls you AFTER you are at work and says "hey, can you go see so & so (really big customer), I can't make it in time".  Ummmmm sure...I mean I look like Halloween threw up on me but yea problem (hyperventilating)

I rolled up to the customer...freaking out a bit...and was greeted at the door by The Doctor (yay!!!) & a vampire. "Oh thank god!"Soooo turns out they were all dressed up in costume, whoohoo!  I had my meeting, had some Halloween goodies, and went on my way.  We left at 1:30 *whoohoo* "candy, candy, candy, candy"

Friday, October 28, 2016

I have failed as a Whovian

So I wore this shirt...since its Friday...and Halloween is Monday...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Cute, right?!?!  Whatever, I think its adorable.

Anyways, I was walking around my office and the following happened:

CW: I don't get it.  Why would anyone Trick or Treat at a Police Box....thingy?
Me: *stupid stare*
CW: Is that a British thing?  Do they do that in Britain?
Me: *confused stare*
CW: I for one wouldn't walk up to a police never know who could be lurking around or INSIDE!
Me: *wtf stare*  

I finally said..."Its a...its a Doctor Who reference...."
CW: *stupid stare* What's that...?

Ha! I explained, in as calm...not a super weirdo nerd way possible, what Doctor Who is. 

CW: oh you and your one season shows.
Me: *thump*

Sorry I passed out.  

Me: What?!?!?!  Its been on the air for over 50 years!!!
CW: oh, well I've never heard of it so it mustn't be that popular.

Just kidding.  But how can you not know...even just in name...I have a T.A.R.D.I.S. on my car.  I pre-ordered tix to the 50th viewing in my area and talked about it.  I talked about meeting Jenna Coleman for a Photo Op at WWNOLA.  I wear fandom shirts and make fandom references (not just about DW). And.......what rock have you been living under?!!?!? Sorry, sorry, sorry...I forget not everyone watches things other than reality TV....
No but really, just by me being...well me...they should have at least known the name....we've worked together for 12 years....

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I think I bruised my uterus

Is that even possible?  And no I am not talking about rough sex, get your mind out the gutter. 

So I am clumsy, that is evident...but I am also coordinated enough to dance pretty good, run without falling, and climb trees.  I think I am really two different people smashed into one body.  Wait...
Anyways, so yesterday was like any other day at the office.  We completed a huge project where we organized a ton of stuff for a large client.  No really, HUGE took us over a week to complete.  Anyways, the stuff was in two decent sized boxes each weighing about 20-25 lbs which I was to deliver today.  So yesterday afternoon myself and another lady hauled the two boxes down the stairs and to my car.  We did it because the big burly men in our office were conveniently MIA
Moving on, I was wearing dress pants, a flowy shirt, and black friend was wearing dress pants, a flowy shirt, and gray pumps (trust me this is important...mostly).  As we were headed to the stairs she stumbled into a wall but caught herself *whew*, so she took off her shoes (if there was EVER a f**king red flag waving this was it).  I did not remove my shoes and headed VERY CAREFULLY down the stairs.  I made it to the bottom without issue *woo hoo*.  What happened next can only be described  as...comical...painful but comical.  

- I opened the door by leaning on it and held it open for my friend
- She stepped out, I let the door close
- We both stepped forward towards the curb
- My right heel went in between two sections of concrete (I didn't realize this)
- My left foot was planted and I went to step with my right
- It didn't move...
- I pitched forward
- But there was no foot to put down

- My weight was on my left foot so I couldn't step forward to catch myself
- Add in an extra 20+ lbs...I didn't stand a chance "ha"
- The heel snapped
- I flew forward at an incredible speed
- The box hit the ground
- I hit the box full on with my torso
- The box EXPLODED under my weight and the momentum
- My hands eventually hit the concrete (ow)
- My face went INTO the box (Ow!)
- My legs went up and almost over my head (OW! guess I'm a little flexible)
- They slammed back down, driving both my knees into the concrete curb (have I mentioned OW!!!!)
- I rolled off the box onto my butt and started laughing hysterically wondering WTF just happened.

My friend was so shocked she couldn't talk.  It happened so fast!  Finally she said "Oh my god! Are you...are you okay?!?!" My response...
Truthfully I felt ZERO pain at that point (yay for adrenaline)


I am laying on my couch with a heating pad.  I took 2 Advil and am watching horror movies on Netflix.  My knees and wrists are mostly fine.  But now that the adrenaline is gone I can feel the strained muscle in my shoulder blade area, my jaw is tender (I think I clanked my teeth together), my abs feel like I went through 5 rounds with Ali, and I am 99% certain I have at least two slightly bruised ribs.
I can say without a doubt the box saved me.  Had I fallen without the box my wrists and knees would have bared the brunt of the fall, possibly resulting in broken bones and I may not have been able to stop my face from slamming into the concrete.  So I am fine...I lost my favorite pair of black pumps but I am still mostly intact. 

Side Note - I am supposed to run a half on Saturday...a 13.1 miles.  I got this...I think...ha....

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Just be lucky I didn't grab your phone and rub it in my @$$crack or something

Alright, so I totally wouldn't do THAT.  Look I know peeps are germ crazy.  They think everyone is gross and no one washes their hands.  Usually THESE are the people who come around others hacking up a lung and snotting all over. 

Look I get it...its cold/flu season.  You don't want people touching your phone since you have to touch it and/or put it to your face.  But don't be an @$$hat about it. 

If you come to me and shove your phone in my face to show me something, chances are I am going to gently grab it NOT BY THE SCREEN, by the edges, to angle it so I can see better (especially if there is an open window behind me...HELLO GLARE!)

You are practically throwing your phone in my face saying "look".  Don't yank it away from my reach like I have the plague only to hover it in front of me still saying "look".  I'm trying to f**king look, I can't see it, hence the grab.  If you don't want people touching your phone don't stick it in someones face saying "look".  Next time I will grab it and rub it around in my bra just to make a point *geesh*.

And I am not the one f**king hacking and sniffling every damn day with "allergies"...that would be you dear.  Just saying.

Good lord people there are ways to handle things without being a douche nozzle

Side Note - It wasn't just a move the phone away from me move.  It was a yank into the air so hard they almost fell over backwards from the momentum.  Slightly unnecessary *rolling eyes*.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Why is there an apparent suicide in my email.....?

So I got an email and this was one of the "Product Pics"

I shop at this site so I was confused.  Its tiny and all I saw was the bloody wrist.  Then I looked down... "Vampire Vineyards"... oh...Oh...OHOkaaaaaaay that makes a bit more sense. 

I mean there is still a dead in my email but its cool cause ya know Dracula and whatnot. 
I clicked on the pic to see and I was shown this...
Buy it here
...Why it loaded on pic two is beyond me.  Regardless now I want Vampire wine because....reasons. 
I mean I don't need 4 bottles equating to $15 a bottle....B**ch must be trippin'! 
I saw this brand at my local grocer...for $10.99...totes going to get some later.  I'm.... 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Yes, I'm crying over a mascot

Okay not just any school mascot.  My school mascot!  I'm a Tiger.  I went to LSU.  I bleed purple and gold.  I remember when Mike V passed and we got Rosco, from that day forward known as Mike VI.  He would be our mascot for a long time.  He was only two when we got him.  Tigers in captivity...especially ones that are cared for like our Mikes.  Seriously have you seen the enclosure....I think its nicer than my house! But he deserves it, he's a good boy.  So imagine the collective cry of pain when we found out our Mike, our only 11 year old wonderful Mike was diagnosed with terminal cancer.   He still had a good 10-15 years left. 

So LSU did what any caring "pet owner"  would do.  They got him the best treatment available.  Saturday we were told the cancer came back with a vengeance.  They gave him 1-2 months to live, saying they would euthanize before he suffered.  Today is Tuesday...3 days after getting that news...we were told Mike VI was humanly euthanized. 

Yea, I teared up.  Its freaking Mike!  We go visit him before LSU games.  We go visit him when we go to campus.  He is part of LSU!  He isn't a caged Tiger.  He is spoiled.  He is very well taken care of.  He isn't forced to do anything he doesn't want to.  He didn't like going into the Stadium so he doesn't.  He can "hide" from the crowd in his enclosure.  Its not living in the wild but he was born in captivity....there is no going back into the wild after that.  My point is he didn't have a bad life.  And now, not by anyone's fault, he is gone way too soon. 

I saw this online earlier today.  I don't know who wrote it so I can't give credit but I thought it was so perfect.

Today we lost one of our own:

"LSU sighed the day Mike died, and stood in silence with a tear in our eye.

The 12th man stood and bowed his head, he prayed for the safe journey of our beloved dead.

Rebels took a knee and the Bulldogs howled knowing they would miss Ole Mike's growl.

Razorbacks stomped and shook their head when they heard the news that Mike was dead.

The War Eagle flew, started to soar and looked at LSU cause he could see Mike no more.

Big Al was tough, but silently cried and there was a calm in that old Crimson Tide.

Time heals the heart, but love does it best. We will miss you forever.

Signed, The Men and Women of the West."

May you rest in peace, MikeVI.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Coincidence??? Yea Probably......

So i was taking surveys while watching know multitasking or whatever.   My points reached a new high...

I was watching Lucifer at the time.  What does it mean?!?!!?  It means I need 334 more points so I can get a $10 Amazon GC already.  I mean not bad for taking a few surveys over the last couple weeks.

Anyways, clearly its a sign or something that Lucifer is the BEST SHOW EVER.  Okay one of the Best.  I have my other favs but OMG I love this show.  Its flipping hilarious but like with a plot and great characters and attractive actors.  I mean Mum is actually pretty hot.  Like stupid hot.  Moving on, so is Luci.  I wonder if he's nice in person....?  Hmmmm.  Like he's a great actor and kinda would totally suck if he was a jerk.  Anyways...

I need to stop.  Peace out...going take a cold shower, ha!