Wednesday, December 27, 2023

I want to wear your skin

Ever have one of those moments where you aren't sure if you should be flattered or fear for your life?

Well I had one of those the other day.  

I forgot to pick up some things at the grocery and had to make a last minute stop.  Mind you I have been baking for two days so I have unwashed (possibly unbrushed) hair, no makeup, and yoga pants/hoodie on. So I put on my favorite podcast and ventured into the insanity.  

I grabbed my items and ran to the express line.  I mean it's two days before Christmas...why are all you people here????

While I am "patiently" waiting, I feel like someone is staring at me.  Like you know how you can just feel the weight of someone's stare????  I look around but everyone is like me just trying to get the f**k out of there.  But I couldn't shake the feeling I had eyes boring into me.  

I glance up again and catch a guy in the other express lane staring at me.  Not like he looked in my direction.  Like STARING at me.  

And he didn't look away when I caught him.  He just kept STARING a hole into my head.  So I looked away and tried to ignore him.  Well I could still feel him looking at me.  Everytime I looked up, he was looking right at me.  It was so freaking weird.  

He was attractive-ish I guess, maybe a little older, dark shaggy hair and blue blue eyes.  If I wasn't so disturbed I may have been a little flattered. But I was ready to get out of his line of sight.

I finally checked out and started out the door when someone grabs my elbow.  I about jumped out of my skin and yanked my arm away.  He did that whole "hands up", I mean no harm thing and said "I noticed you in line and couldn’t look away".  This is when I realized he didn't have in he got out of line to come talk to me!!!!!!!!!!  

Okay now I am thoroughly $hitting my pants.  Every alarm in my brain is screaming. And I said "oh do I know you?" as I backed up a little...because that is what you say to your potential kidnapper. Come on chick, geeze! It's busy but no one was near us at this point and it was starting to get dark.

Now he is still staring and when I say STARING...It's like that no emotion, BLANK, unhinged person in a movie stare.  

Like he was reading my f**king thoughts and enjoying every second of my panic. 

He says "no you don't know me but I am drawn to you like gravity" as he looks me up and down and back into my eyes.

OKAY WTAF is happening?!?!  I am literally listening to a podcast called Morbid as this is happening and while I love it, I don't want to be an episode ON IT.  

So I just kinda laughed and said "right, okay well Merry Christmas".  -exit stage left-

That Mother F**ker stepped in my path 

I am trying to think of anything I can use as a weapon.  I don't have my purse, just my card, phone, & key fob in my pocket.  And I bought f**king marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate baking chips.  What am I going to do threaten him with deconstructed smores??!?!!?   

Then he seductively said....."I'd really love to give you a call sometime, like later tonight."  That's right....HE ASKED FOR MY MOTHER F**KING NUMBER.  

Um Bruh...just no.  So I uncomfortably say "sorry, taken and bolt BACK into the store" saying over my shoulder "I think I forgot Milk"

Because you know you have to give the creepy serial killer staring dude a reason why you are running away.  I did NOT look back but was ready to grab a bottle of wine off the shelf and chug it in store or use it as a club.

He may have just been "attracted" to me.  But the vibe I got was he wanted to wear my skin like a shawl.  I probably stayed in the store for another 20 min, found a security guard to walk me to my car, and high tailed it out of the parking lot.   Then I drove around like some nutcase trying to see if I was being followed because I was convinced this f**ker is going to follow me home and hubs isn't there.  

So that's my story of how a Buffalo Bill wannabe tried to pick me up at the Grocery store right before Christmas.  

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Did you know that was in there?

So I had that ultrasound. 

The tech was so sweet.  She was like this is going to be awk but we'll see what's up.  Also this isn't like the movie ultra sound you are thinking of.  This isn't squirt gel on the belly and see what's inside.  This is stick a wand in your lady bits and try to relax. 

So it took over an hour (should have been 15 - 20 min) BECAUSE she was so fascinated by my weirdness and impressed with my pain tolerance that she took like 40 pics AND went get another Senior Tech to make sure she was properly seeing things. 

Dude bro....DUUUUUUDE BROOOO.  I have the most pissed off uterus right now!!!!!  The tech said "Oh. Hmmmm. What.  Well.. are you in pain" for the entire exam.  Then the other one said the same.  I was LITERALLY called the "Medical Mystery" of the day.  

Both were like "you know you also have 2 cysts on your right ovary?"  Nope wasn't aware.  "Are you in pain???????"  Honestly I think I am just immune to it now.  So all in all.... I have two Uterine Fibroids - one seems to be stemmed (whatever the f**k that means), a polyp, a possibly "necrotic" fibroid and a "pooling of blood that is just waiting to burst free".  The necrotic thing isn't as bad as it sounds.  It basically means there may have been another fibroid that was basically getting rid of itself.  But the other stuff.... just f**k me man. 

So I saw the Doc and he said I have to have a Procedure to remove the intruders and keep me from having another month long period again. 

It's called a Hysteroscopic Myomectomy and DNC

In layman's terms...they go in with a camera with a tool on the end and remove the fibroids/polyps, then scrape the tissue from the uterine walls (OH FUN!)

I've had something similar about 8 years ago and it f**king sucked.  But this time nothing through the belly button just through the hoohah. But I'll still be down for a few days and no lifting or basically anything more than walking for 2-3 weeks.  

Monday, December 11, 2023

Riding the Crimsom...Tsunami?

This is 1000% TMI please feel free to skip. 

I know I've mentioned it before but I sometimes hate being a female.  We deal with the most ridiculous issues and 90% of the time its downplayed as NBD

Well ya know what it is a Big Deal!

I've had some weirdo issues over the years but this takes the cake.

I'm still uh...fairly regular when it comes to monthly occurrences.  Almost like clock work I know when things will happen.  Well last month things...went...sideways. 

It started normal-ish. My cycle began almost exactly when expected.  Except this time it started with me literally having a breakdown after a night out (WTF?!?!)

Legit basically no other issues.  3 days later it tapered off and I got ready for Turkey Day.  That is where things went butt f**k crazy. 

About to leave for dads and I feel a little something.  Well $hit it came back (not abnormal).  I had the WORST CRAMPS OF MY LIFE trying to have a convo with my cousin, this is NOT normal. I was so sick I barely ate. 

3 days later MOFO is still going, like WTF this never happens going.  I get to day 7 and I'm like something is wrong wrong, I've gone through a BOX of lady sticks in 4 days.  

I get to day 10 and I'm like white as a sheet, this is no bueno.  I call my OB and get an appt that day (also unheard of)

I get a once over and a "hmmm that's not normal for you".  Yea no $hit....  I get an Rx for something to make the bleeding stop and an appt for an Ultrasound in 2 weeks because they think its uterine fibroids or thanks. 

At this point I am not buying anymore effing lady sticks so I get a cup.  Why I didn't do this sooner is BEYOND me.  Best thing EVER ladies!

Anyways, the Rx slows it down but its still happening.  I bled excessively for TWENTY TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!  Honestly I have no idea how I didn't just pass out from blood loss.  On day 22 we have shower sexy time and the mofo stops.  WTAF?!!??!  I would have done this much sooner if I knew it would stop it!!!!!!!  Except I felt like actual butthole and didn't want to be touched. 

Can I just say...I know some women deal with excessively long cycles and I...I want to hug you because this was stupid and I hated life for almost a month.  Lets see what the ultrasound says....

Saturday, October 7, 2023

It's a fever dream with a dash of nostalgia

Well because I said I would take it easy on the horror yesterday...I watched...something I can only describe as Disney on Acid. 

I captured my thoughts in Notes that I will share here...for funsies, its long so BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUPS

If you don't want spoilers...stop here.

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey is by far one of the most WTAF movies I have seen in a while. 

Brain Dump:

  • Pooh and co are human sized…?
  • JFC Pooh and co eat fucking Eeyore bc they no longer have Christopher Robin (CR) to feed them
  • Oh snap their cannibalism made them feral! And they chose to never speak again
  • CR comes back with his wife to prove they are real and piglet fucking murders her while CR cowers screaming PIGLET NO!!  Bruh help her!
  • Pooh kills (?) CR
  • Peeps be going missin in the 100 acre wood
  • Don’t go to the woods!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Some chick with a complex is encouraged to “get away” to cope…?
  • It’s 4 chicks in a cabin, wait 6 maybe...
  • Oh ok two are…together..?
  • Oh snap that escalated quickly.
  • Why he ripped her shirt off first?!?
  • Girl just walked out to make a call!  Pooh bashed her head in!!!
  • Omg is that a grinder…ahhh
  • One chick had a horrid stalker sitch 👀👀👀
  • Are they going for backstory here???  
  • This is like a bad porno without the sex
  • Oh shit CR is still alive and held captive by Pooh
  • I’m confused are they people with masks or human sized Pooh and friends?????
  • Jesus Pooh is having an existential crisis!
  • Oh fuck is he whipping CR with Eeyore's effing tail?!?
  • Oh god a stew of endtrails is showered over him ahhhhh 🤢
  • Uh oh she in a hot tub alone
  • Is that Pooh or piggie creepin on her
  • Aw shit it’s both
  • Wtaf?!??
  • Ooo boobies
  • Oh she dead dead
  • Wtf does piggie look like a boar
  • Wait wait They subdued her to run her over?!? Da Faq
  • Aw hell aw hell he crushed her skull with a tire 🤢
  • What’s in her bag
  • Is that a gun…?
  • He used A sledgehammer?!? That’s gruesome
  • Oh god her head just exploded 🤢
  • Why do they kill some and kidnap others 
  • Ewww the messy honey gorging *gag*
  • At least I hope that’s honey
  • Eewww he’s dripping  honey on her 
  • He slapped her…to death…?
  • Oh nope she alive
  • Save CR you dipshits!
  • Whose screaming??  When did they capture someone else?!?!?!
  • Who’s the older chick chained up?!?
  • Oh they are half that what she said????
  • Who the eff is Charlene, did a miss a whole story line?!?!?!
  • How does she know so much CR said they brought here there this morning......
  • Oh bitch is hoarsely calling for piglet with a gun, she gonna die die 🤣
  • Pooh is dousing her in. Honey and….oh god piglet is eating her alive 🤢
  • Oh snap piglet got a sledgehammer to the face
  • How do you like it MOFO
  • Well that's a whole new meaning to "Hog Tied" 🤣🤣🤣
  • Squeal PIggy!
  • Oh hell I think she killed him
  • Ooooo Pooh ain’t gonna like that
  • Oh god knife through the mouth into a post 👀👀👀
  • Run BITCHES he's Michael Myers walking....RUN!
  • Oh them Hillbillys about to die
  • "That ain’t no man"…"that ain’t no bear," jeebus pick up the chicks and drive you idiots!
  • Did they....did they just call Pooh a freak... Christ!
  • Correction, Logan colt and Tucker about to die
  • “Pooh breathes heavily” 🤣🤣🤣subtitles
  • 4-1 Pooh still gonna win
  • It’s a Mexican standoff…with Brits
  • Jeebus he’s not even fighting back
  • How is he still alive?!?!?!
  • What in the hell.  How hard is his slap
  • Ooooo karate chop
  • Awww come on he stomp/ground his brains into the dirt
  • Wait wait did I miss that....?  He can summon bees?!? Pahahhahahaa
  • Why did you run him over, for f**ks sake!!!!
  • Jesus Christ just slam on the brakes and he'll go a flyin
  • This bitch just hit the ceiling like that’s gonna do anything to the maniac bear beating on the roof
  • What happened to CR. Did they leave him?!?
  • Ooops she lost her head…and then there was one
  • She turned the windshield wipers on and smeared her friend ðŸ¤£
  • Pahahahha CR coming in hot screaming  fuck you is the best
  • Bruh, he ain’t dead
  • Ewww did he just vomit up honey?! 🤢
  • Why is he so strong?!??
  • This is very Saw/the purge/hostile
  • CR offering the sacrifice
  • The good is still in you Pooh 🤣🤣🤣
  • Let her go, Take me please...I'll never leave you... GOOD LORD!
  • He slit her throat and gravelly says "you left" *dying laughing*
  • Pooh is a demented asshole
  • That's some aggressive stabbing
  • Jeebus he stabbed her...through her skull
  • did he kill CR finally?
  • Pooh growls into the night
  • WTAF did I just watch
  • I'll never look at Pooh the same
  • OMG there is going to be a sequel
  • I need a drink

Friday, October 6, 2023

Maybe I should lay off the Horror Movies


I love spook spook movies anytime.  But once 10/1 hits I watch all the spook spook ALL.DAY.LONG

But I don't do Clowns...nope, NOT HAPPENING and I don't do Exorcism movies.  I don't know what it is about those but they always freak me the F**K out.  

Well I had on AMC or SYFY the other day and wasn't really paying attention when The Conjuring 2 came on.  I've never seen it and honestly wasn't sure what it was about just that it was an Ed and Lorraine movie.  

Well about an hour in and a creepy AF kid later I realize why I've never seen it.  I watched until the end (hoping for closure) but the f**king Nun thing comes out and I know its in other movies and well it was super spook spook. 

Now I know alot of Ed and Lorraine stuff was revealed as sensationalized or downright fake.  Alot wasn't but I've heard that the Enfield House (which this was based on) is possibly now thought to have been grossly exaggerated or possibly faked by the "kids".  

Regardless this stupid f**king movie worked its way into my f**king dreams.  Look I legit watch horror ALOT and rarely do I dream about it.  Usually it's the zombies on speed that I dream about but nothing else.  

Anyways, I remember almost NONE of my dream until the end.  I was a "spectator" for most of it.  Almost like watching a movie.  That I knew.  But it was the end...the climax.  There were 2 young girls.  One was the haunted one.  She was talking to something and her sis was scared.  Suddenly, I was there holding their hands.  The haunted one starts levitating and the other is screaming.  My bright Idea is to scream for their mom so she can help.  But I can't scream.  I am screaming "MOM!!!!" and my throat is hurting but barely a squeak is coming out.  

I scream with all my might and wake up to hubs shaking me asking whose whining, thinking it was a dog.  It was me.  My dream was so intense my body was trying to actually scream...well squeak.  Well after that I was legit awake until the sun came up and tried to snuggle my hubs because I had the heebie jeebies.

Lesson...stick to the classics and leave out the ones I KNOW give me the heebs. Maybe I'll watch some cheesy stupidness today.    

Thursday, October 5, 2023

I thought it was a pool boy?

So lately work has been just a beating.  I have multiple projects that are consuming my life along with normal day to day so I am slightly short tempered. With that said the other day I was standing at my counter with my laptop trying to help with phones.  90% of the time the pups are quiet but if someone comes to the door all bets are off.  

Well the doorbell rang and thankfully my customer just laughed and said his dogs are the same.  I ignored it and figured whomever it was (probably someone promoting a candidate in the upcoming election) would get the hint and leave.  I managed to quiet them down so I could finish helping him but about 2-3 min later I hear a light knock on the door.  I was off the phone but was like for f**ks sake go away!

I opened the door ready to unleash hell on the door to door campaign person I assumed it was when a very attractive young man turned around and smiled.  I stopped pre-fuss with a dog poking her head between my legs and kinda open mouthed blankly stared. He caught me off guard because he was fit-ish, tall, in scrubs and had a messenger bag, no flyers or signs.  The folllowing hilarity happened next.

Me: Uh....Hi....can I help you?

Him: *with a confidant and happy smile* I'm here for your Physical Therapy

Me: Uhhhh no

Him: Yes, didn't your Doctor call?

Me: *confused stare*

Him: *still smiling* For your back.  

Me: What address are you looking for?

Him: You aren't Miss Smith....are you....?

Me: *trying not to laugh* No...I think you are looking for my neighbor....she's older and fell recently.  

Him: *Smile drops* Oh....oh that makes more can you point me in the right direction

Poor guy clearly didn't read his patient's age or he thought it was a typo and was super happy to have a semi young and attractive patient.  I'm not being cocky!  He seemed just as shocked by my appearance & smiled and I did have on makeup & my hair was fixed....for once. 

But all I could think about after he said "I'm here for your Physical Therapy" was who sent me a stripper ?!?!?! Or ya know...those...uh....movies... "I'm here to clean your pool" *bow chica bow wow* and about died laughing.  

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

It's a 10 and a half...

It begins in a fight for our lives!  We are running, so much running through a Sci-Fi style city/space port.  I mean full speed sprinting for me...I gots the tiny legs.  I can hear people yelling all around me but I honestly don't know who I am with. 

I know I am with a group but we are fleeing from some angry jerks so they are pushing/pulling me along, just short of picking me up and running with me because I'm just not as fast.  My vision is starting to tunnel, my chest is burning, and I don't think I can go anymore.  Finally we come around the bend and fling ourselves through an open door.  Its a ship and we are immediately preparing for take-off.  As the door slams we can hear the angry screams and banging from our pursuers. 

I collapse on the cool grated floor out of breath.  As my vision begins to clear I can finally take in my surroundings.  It's a bright, almost sterile room.  Everything is basically silver toned.  Its not familiar but it still feels safe, almost like home.  All I can think about is I want a nap and a shower and start to close my eyes.  Suddenly a head of brown hair pops into view and asks in the most chipper voice, why I am laying on the floor.

The hair frames a shadowed familiar face but I can't quite place him.  He helps me up and says something about humans sleeping in the strangest places which makes me stop and try to remember something.  I take in the rest of my shipmates, 7 total.  They all feel like friends but I can't make out their faces.

The one that helped me up says something about needing to go home now because that's where the device is hidden.   

We are running again, this time at sunset through a ravaged town.  The ground is red dirt, the buildings are tattered from a war we seemed to have landed in the middle of.  My legs are burning but my new friend is basically dragging me behind him.  We've lost our friends, they've all been captured and we are trying our best not to be captured also.  We can see the open door, we are so close to escaping when pain blossoms in my back and I fall to my knees on the ground.  

I've been shot, I'm yelling for him to leave me but he wont.  He tries to pick me up but I am in so much pain I can't help and keep falling.  The world goes black.  I wake up on a hay mattress to someone caressing my face and softly saying they are sorry.  I open my eyes and it's night time so not much light, I can't focus but I know its my friend talking to me.  I think he's crying.  I tried to say something but I passed back out.  

The next time I wake up it's morning.  I'm laying on my side and my friend is lying next to me holding my hands.  When he realizes I am awake he gives me the biggest hug ever and keeps saying "I'm sorry".  I asked why he keeps apologizing and he says because it's his fault I am hurt, which I vehemently protest. 
He tells me I've been asleep for 4 days and he thought I was going to die.  He knows our friends are also being kept here and all seem to be a little beat up but okay otherwise.  We talked about...something and it ended with me falling asleep, a very gentle kiss on the forehead and a sigh.  

Sometime passed and we came up with a plan to escape and free our friends.  The device was set to go off in a few days so we needed to work quick so we could survive and save home(?). When I was feeling better and we were putting our plan into action I looked up at my friend and my brain said "that's the Doctor".  Now he didn't look like the Doctor.  I mean he kinda looked a little like 10 but like not.  Like 100% not David.  

We somehow convince some soldiers to help us and free our friends.  Things are going sideways, and we are running again.   We all get into two topless humvees.  That's when I realize 2 of our friends are a f**king near duplicate of my friend (seriously subconscious?!?!) and a pretty blonde (come on now!).

Now duplicate and blondie are arguing and then yelling at my friend and it's weird.  It's basically f**king 10 and 10 two but like they aren't 10.  I can't explain it.  But they don't look like him.  I know what he looks like and they were like "wish" versions of 10 (haha).  Like attractive but something was off.  And I had ZERO romantic anything, like we were literally besties.  

Anyways, we are speeding away from the prison when a rocket goes off and is headed towards the prison we just escaped.  Here is where it goes full nerd, please don't judge me too harshly.  

I scream "No they are going to blow up (wait for it) MY T.A.R.D.I.S!"  And my friend looks at me and smiles and says "Yours, huh?!"  But she's safe...I don't know how I know but I know. 

The two humvees get separated by a high road (very Indiana Jones).  My friend is trying to help the others in the other vehicle and is handing his duplicate a box and says remember (name) said we'd know when we'd need it.  Blondie asks who (name) is.  And a f**king fight breaks out because she is jealous of an old "friend".  

And Oh My God, why is my brain locking me in this insanity!

Something happens and the humvee loses control.  I can feel the floor going out from under me.  My friend grabs me and wraps himself around me as we crash. I can feel the impact and our bodies flying forward and then nothing.  

I woke up in a literal cold sweat and racing heart.  

Here's what is weird to me.  I haven't watched Doctor Who since Jodie regenerated back into David like in October 2022.  It's weird because I usually rewatch some fav episodes or binge a little but I literally haven't watched it in almost a year!!!!! I haven't seen Journey's End in probably 2 years or more.  So why did my brain have a fever dream about 10 and 10 two out of the f**king blue?!?!?!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

They're like Vampires, you can't INVITE them in

When opportunities present themselves, you should seize them, right?

So imagine my surprise when I was gifted a brand new state of the art kitchen appliance!!!  Like purchased from the store would have been $300+.  Only been used a few months bc they moved in with their partner and didn't need two.  Anyways, we seized the opportunity.  

We didn't set it up right away because I was out of town and we were super busy so it was sitting in my office.  

Anyways, about 1 day after we got it hubs saw a critter on the counter.  It looks like a tiny bug who shall not be named but he wasn't sure.  That night he was having trouble sleeping so was up at like 3AM.  I was awakened at 5AM by him calling having a minor panic attack.  He didn't want to wake me but since he'd been awake, he'd killed 8 tiny bugs who shall not be named!!!! EIGHT

He woke me when he found one in the spare bedroom.  

I have a fairly severe phobia but mainly of the HUGE ones that fly.  The little ones just gross me out bc they usually mean "infestation" which WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K?!?!  We are borderline obsessive clean.   

He said he was tiptoeing around the house with a flashlight.  Every once in a while you'd hear "AH!" *splat*

By the time the sun was slightly up he'd killed about 15FIFTEEN!  He was awake now enough to be like WTF happened?????

We realized the ONLY "new" thing in the house....was the new....APPLIANCE...

He crept over and shined the light inside......................


What happened next was something out of Supernatural.

He carried it into the garage.  Did a Home Defense circle around it.  Then DROWNED it in Raid.  Like I'm sure it was no longer functional. 

He Home Defensed every doorway in the house. Then waited until the sun was up up to carry it to the curb

Meanwhile I am in another state calling an Exterminator.  I explained what happened and he said "I can have a guy there 1st appt."  

Now I'm home and so far I haven't seen any but Hubs has killed a couple being in the effing cup cabinet.  So everything in there got washed.  

What kills just WTAF man.... is that I literally was telling my travel buddies about how good of a deal it was and said "watch the damn thing have roaches in it". And we all had a good giggle. Clearly the universe has a sense of humor.  

Positive side of it...when they treated the house it also kills a bunch of other stuff so, yay.  

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The good the bad and the Rottweiler....?

I seem to have lost about 6 months of posts so I apologize.  If I recover them, I'll repost.  Lets see if this one 'sticks'.

We all know I read and watch "strange" things.  I Love the supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi stories.  So it's never a surprise when they somehow integrate into my dreams. 

There was a type of supernatural civil war.  Each side was trying to wipe the other out.  Light vs Dark, tale as old as time. 

At first I thought it was about the Fae but it seemed to be all supernatural beings.  But there was definitely a distinct Light vs Dark.  The Dark wanted to conquer and enslave the Earth, the Light wanted harmony.  The Dark was winning, the Light was driven into hiding to survive.  

At some point we are summoned to a council where one of the heroes is there with news.  This has to end.  The universe needs balance.  There is no Dark without the Light.  He will go on a mission to the Dark to work out a truce to save us all.  

What no one seemed to understand is if the Light and Dark destroyed each other, the world would die. Humans, animals, all of the Earth would cease to exist. 

The mission of peace failed.  The hero and his team were killed before they could deliver the message to the queen.  The Light was disbanded and went further into hiding.  I was in a human apartment in New York City with 3 friends.  A vampire, werewolf, and Fae Prince "in waiting". I was some sort of human fae mix but was part of the Light.   The "prince" was our mission, he needed to be kept safe....he was the Dark Queen's son but didn't agree with how the Dark had become so he fled to the Light for safety. 

We were cooking dinner in the apartment, cutting up and having fun despite the circumstances.  We were making steaks and teasing the werewolf about wanting his steak raw.  He said it's how he keeps his physique which resulted in extensive laughter.  We ended up in the bathroom lined up in front of the mirror comparing "abs" which the werewolf, had ab.  Not fat just not defined.  This is the point where I recognized him.  It was Nathan Fillion.  But like him, not him as a character.  Apparently he'd always been a wolf and kept it hidden from "hollywood".  It was such an odd addition to the dream....

While we were cutting up a perimeter alarm went off i.e. a chihuahua was like "Yo I hear something".  We were still shirtless (I had a sports bra on) so we scrambled to get our "get the f**k ou bags" and get the Prince out.  The 3 of them managed to get out the "secret" door but I tripped trying to grab the chihuahua.  I managed to push him through and re-hide the door before the front door blew open.  I tried to hide but it was no use I was found by a Rottweiler and dragged out.  

He was shockingly gentle but I was terrified, this was the queen's pet which means she came herself to take or kill her son.  As I came face to face with the enemy I could only hope they made it out of the building before her army got here.  

She lifted me by neck and threw me on the couch.  Before I could blink she was sitting on top of me pinning me down.  I managed to wriggle free and tried to run but was thrown to the ground.  We grappled back and forth but she was full fae and I was not as strong.  I somehow managed to pin her on couch like she'd had me before.  I was trying to get her to listen to me.  But she was spewing angry words of hate and disgust.  She hated me especially since I was a half breed.  

I managed to cover her mouth and said "just listen!  This isn't about you and me.  It's not about you and your son.  Stop acting like you are on a talk show.  This isn't f**king Oprah!" 

When I said that the Rottie attacked me.  I distinctly remember the teeth sinking into my wrist.  I screamed but got free.  I was losing the fight trying to hold her down and fight off a pissed off dog.  She pulled my hand away and gave a command and the dog stopped.  I was holding my wrist fighting back tears and said "please just listen.  The Universe NEEDS balance.  There is no Dark without the Light.  If you kill us all you will die too! The Earth will die and life will cease to exist! We have to stop"

She sat up inhumanely fast.  She had fangs dripping blood, face no longer the beautiful queen *WTF the queen of the Dark doesn't have fangs*.  She was holding me close to her face, mouth by my ear and said "the dead don't want to kill you, we want to breed you, harvest you, and eat you."

I remember realizing the Dark was no longer the Dark as we knew them.  They weren't the opposite to the Light.  They were never bad just the Ying to the Yang....but these weren't that, these were bloodthirsty monsters who only lived to consume. As she sank her teeth into my shoulder and tore my skin from the bone, I woke up...screaming.