Sunday, July 6, 2014

Have you ever wondered...

...what plants feel when you trim them?

Seriously, can you imagine that while you are hedging the plants are screaming, "why, why? Oh my god, not my baby!" as you hack away a new plant "sucker" blossoming from the soil or while you are removing the yummy fruit they've produced. Do you think the other plants you haven't reached yet are praying to their plant deity that this squishy life form fulfills it's tortuous rage before it reaches them? Maybe they are saying, "I'll tell you whatever you want....the answer to life, the universe and everything... just stop cutting!" Or that they are sobbing silently as they watch you pick up the pieces from the ground?  Whimpering, "the answer is's 42...." Maybe that's why they tremble when you go outside, it's not the wind they are terrified. 

Then again it's possible to them it's like a hair cut.  Ya know just a little trim to encourage new growth and tame the wildness that occurs from the torrents of rain we receive.  So really instead of screaming they are saying "ahhhh, so much better."

Well, really plants aren't sentient and aren't actually thinking anything but I was gardening and this just randomly popped into my head.  I am blaming it on the immense heat and me not drinking enough water.

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