Thursday, May 29, 2014

I am Evil


So you wanna stop a kitty from jumping on the counter or mantel or table or whatever.  I have a simple, cheap and effective solution.  Now I am sure other people have thought of this but I feel like I had an epiphany the other day so don't rain on my parade. 

The little little witch's familiar...who may or may not be evil herself is now climbing and jumping on anything she can find.  She likes to climb on the table while we are eating.  I mean who wouldn't want to try and grab some of that yummy smelling food.  She also likes to climb up the back of the couch, the comforter on our bed (see previous post on that) and of course all over the other animals and us.  But her favorite place at the moment is the ledge by the fireplace.  I have older animals besides her.  Animals that long ago learned not to touch mommy's stuff lest you get put in time out or worse if you break something she likes...*sharp breathe intake* banished to the outer realm.  On my fireplace ledge I have these lovely breakable things from our wedding and these really cool tall fish globe candle holders. 

The other night she figured out how to jump up there.  I would remove her, say no and put her on the couch.  She'd do it again.  *rinse, repeat* I didn't want to squirt her because if she REALLY freaked out she would go barreling across the ledge and knock everything down in her wake.  But she started to think of it as a game.  I'd remove her, she'd look at us and jump back up, carefully weaving her way through the items.  "OMG cat I am going to kill you!!!"  This went on for a while until I decided I needed a deterrent.  What can I put to deter her?!?!?! 

I know...tape!  Yes that's right.  I cut multiple pieces of scotch tape and laid them face up all along the ledge.  She's a baby.  She doesn't know what tape is all about.  So after a few minutes of running the older kitty crazy she went for the fireplace again.  I didn't see it but I heard it.  She jumped up and then immediately back down.  She was running frantically around trying to outrun whatever was chasing her.  I finally caught her and removed the tape from her feet and tail.  I put her down and put down more tape.  About 20 minutes later she tried again.  She ran around shaking her feet and hissing (I guess trying to scare her pursuer) and rolling.  I again removed the tape.  She did not try again. 

Its been four days.  I left the tape...I will replace the tape every few days (dust makes it not sticky) just to make sure she's learned her lesson.  So there you have it.  Scotch tape, instant curious kitty deterrent. 

And do not get all THAT'S inhumane.  It is not inhumane.  It's scotch tape.  It is sticky enough to get stuck but not so sticky that it hurts when removed.  But since cats don't like things on their feet it discouraged her from trying again without me soaking her, my fireplace and her breaking everything while trying to teach a simple lesson. 

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