Thursday, August 14, 2008

No one likes being lied to...

...even if the truth stings, right?!?

I swear I wonder what people are thinking sometimes...especially the one I currently live with. We are completely broken up, its just us living there as roommates until we sell the house or I get a better offer and move out. Which it can be weird at times BUT for the most part we are fine.

So where is my rant coming from. I don't like being blatantly lied to and yelled at, it annoys me no matter who is doing it. You see my 'roommate' recently added unlimited texting on his phone. Now, I have been BEGGING for 2 years for him to do this because I couldn't text him without getting fussed because he had to pay .10 (now more) every time. Anyways, the texting started, then more and more phone calls and the "I'm going have drinks with Co-workers" line. I've ignored it whatever.

Now I am dating people don't get me wrong. It's just not as obvious because I've always gotten lots of texts, calls and gone out. So it's really not a change for me. Like I said I've been ignoring the lies. But last Thursday he called me on his way home from his parents and said he was stopping to pick up food. Well lately that means what do you want. So I asked where he was stopping. He stumbled over his words and said he was stopping soon and would be done eating before he got home and he didn't want my food to get cold. Um ok, I get it, you are meeting someone, thats OK (but I never said any of that, just OK). Then like I said he adds unlimited texting. Last night OMG. He was in a texting war with someone, obviously a girl. How do I know this because I am a texting queen as are most of my girl friends, plus you can just tell.

Well he said something not nice about my family and you just don't do that. So I hit him where it hurts. I started telling him he was obviously becoming a-sexual and should not attempt to reproduce. That we did not need to pass his genes along etc. I know I know not very mature but I don't care anymore, haha. Anyways I messed with him a little about the excessive texting and he kinda got offended. And insisted it was a co-worker. I was like ok, I am just messing with ya.

Well flash forward to today. I have a HOT date tonight...with my best friends cousin. So I am a little nervous. Anyways, I told him I was going out tonight. I never said with anyone or where. Well he gets online earlier and says, "what time are you going out?" So I said when I was leaving and he replied, "I can go out too. I am meeting my co-workers for drinks." I was like ok. Well like I said I am tired of the charade. I know his co-workers, they do NOT get along, unless its some new interns which good for him. So I replied "So, what's her name ;) haha, just messin'." Well this threw him into a frenzy.
He said he doesn't want to be in a relationship, so he doesn't know why I would say that, blah blah blah....I was like dude chill it was a joke...

So of course to keep the peace I apologized and said, I didn't realize it was such a sore subject, I won't joke about it anymore. But that RIGHT there tells me he is going to meet a girl. People only freak when you catch them in a lie. Haha. Anyways, I said to have fun and he got insulted again. Dude I cannot win, he broke up with me, why is he flipping out??? I mean of course I am not comfortable with knowing he is dating but I am not crazy, we are not together, its expected. So anyways, hopefully my date goes well tonight ;) .

1 comment:

wiff said...

i hope you have a great time with k tonight! that's so cool [and a little weird, i won't lie] that yall are dating :D and wtf is up with HIM? dude. can i kick him in the shin? pleeeeease?