Monday, August 4, 2008

Bad things happen in threes...right?!

How many lemons is life going to give me at once???

Seriously I sometimes wonder what life has in store for me. So Saturday was this party thing we all threw for a friend of ours. It was a big hit, lots of fun. Since we had to clean up afterwards my buzz was gone long before I had to drive home. Well around 1:30 AM my friend brought a group of us to our cars and low and behold my front driver side tire is completely flat, like rim is on the ground! Well since I am not too much of a girly girl, I got my spare out and started to change it. Meanwhile my girly girl friends are snapping pics of me in my cute lil' dress changing a tire at 1:30 in the morning. When I finally get my tire off I see why its so flat...the tread has come off on the inside...NICE. At least it happened while it was parked otherwise, that would have been a blow out on the Interstate...yikes. So I get everything done, tighten the bolts on my spare and put the Jack spare is flat. I was like, guess I am sleeping over.

The next morning my friends husband took his air compressor to my car and filled my spare, he rocks like that!!! And it held air, a good sign. So I said my goodbye's and decided to take my car to Wal-mart to get a new tire. NO ONE had my tire in stock! I have a very normal little car with very normal little tires but not a Wal-mart or Sams in the city had my tire. So I headed home on my little doughnut.

Wait it gets better. Around 8-8:30PM I started to feel a little funny. It didn't take me long to realize I was going to be sick. As I was writhing in pain on my couch my friend texts me "anyone else sick?". I was like how the hell did she know. I barely finnished responding to her when I had to bolt to the bathroom and well, get sick. I felt like the exorcist, it was projectile, uncontrollable and PAINFUL! This continued ALL night long. It was awful!!! Around 3AM I actually grabbed my pillow and slept on the bathroom floor. I was DYING!!! I found out the next day that 1/2 the party was sick. We thought food poisoning but it took too long to hit AND people that ate the same things as us were not sick, so virus it is.

Well Monday morning I was supposed to go to court to fight a bogus speeding ticket (I was NOT speeding, I swear). I called to tell them my situation. The lady said "unless you have a Dr's note or a receipt from the ER you better get your butt over here." Freaking awesome. Well in my parish, traffic court it NOT organized, its first come first serve. I got there 20 min before my court time...there was a line wrapping around the building!!! I felt and looked like death. I finally get in the court room to talk to the DA and I kid you not, he started to go over my charge, stopped, pulled his glasses down and asked if I was OK. That tells you right there how sexy I looked. I pleaded with him and ended up only paying the court fee...YAY! He said to sit down and wait for the receipt, I asked if I could go to the restroom and he said sure. I bolted and well, take a guess what happened.

Mind you I still am driving on my stupid little spare. I called Goodyear near my house and they actually had my tires in stock, if I could have celebrated without vomiting I would have. The problem...I didn't have an appointment...which meant it could take ALL day before they get to it. There was no way I could sit there all day. I would have passed out. So I call my poor mom to tell her the situation. She drove all the way out to my house to pick me up from the mechanic. I still had to sit there a while to wait for her and at least 3 people came in the waiting room to see if I was OK.

All in all everything turned out OK. My stomach illness only lasted a couple days, I got out of the speeding ticket and I got my new tires. BUT I went through hell and back to get it all done. I just hope those were my three's because I am worn out and poor.

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