Saturday, August 30, 2008

1st, 2nd Date - I was not supposed to like him *sigh*

I guess it's true when you least expect it something good happens... (:

So yea I went on a second date with my online interest. It almost didn't happen because my lil bro decided to go and get engaged :D and they did an engagement dinner Friday night. But luckily he didn't mind meeting up later, after the dinner.

So I met him at this local restaurant (he hadn't eaten)...and since I'd already eaten, I went on a liquid diet...I ordered a Dirty Martini, in true NOLA Gurl fashion. We got our drinks and food and talked...A LOT. He is so easy to talk to, nothing in particular came up just getting to know each other better. He is just super sweet and easy going, oh yea and he is kinda cute so I guess that explains the attraction, haha. Well after we sat there for a while with the waiters glaring at us beacuse they wanted to close up (we were not the only people in there but ya get the idea) he asked if I wanted to go see a movie.

Well we went to see Mirrors, that new Kiefer Sutherland movie, not bad. Anyways, while we were waiting for the movie to start we were being goofy. Again NO ONE in the theater when we got there (I guess they all started evacuating for Gustav :P). People showed up eventually but for a while it was just us. It was weird because we are very comfortable with each other so there was lots of teasing and joking, then all of a sudden he kissed me, he he he. It was nice, by the way he is very affectionate. Anyways like I said lots of joking and teasing, so after the kiss I said "Ya know, it's gonna be really hard to top the kiss in the rain", he said he'd take that as a challange, hehehe.

After the movie he walked me to my car and he kissed me again. It was sooooooo sweet. A little awkward though because 1. we were in a parking lot and kinda had an audience and 2. I didn't have on really big heels so I was REALLY short. He texted me later on "I had fun tonight. Goodnight and Sweet Dreams." Aw ;) haha.

I guess I don't know what to think. I was very apprehensive about meeting someone I met on Social Network site. I mean I am glad I did, he's not a far. It's just weird, I wasn't expecting to like him and want to see him again etc. I need to shut my brain off, haha. Well I am gonna go prepare for Gustav now...stupid hurricane :P

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