Friday, August 15, 2008

5th, 1st Date - I thought 3rd time was the charm...

OMG OMG OMG OMG?!?!?!?!?!?!

I had a good date! Seriously, it was good from beginning to end. Yay, about freaking time!

So this is the cousin of one of my friends (nice, I know). So I met him at his house and we went inside and he said "you know my parents, right?" which of course I know them, they are at all functions at my friends house. Anyways, I hear from the other room "HI NOLA GURL!" So I went to say hello. His mom was funny, as we were leaving she says "You two have fun tonight." Then giggled. It was a little uncomfortable at first but we started talking.

We went eat first at a seafood restaurant near the theater. Poor thing seemed exhausted but we talked and joked around a little. It was fun but kind of surreal because I have known him for a while and didn't ever look at him as someone I would/could ever date. But it was nice.

Well we went to the movie, Pineapple Express, which was FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!!!!! It was such a stoner movie but I loved it. We walked in and NO ONE was in the theater but us. Which was kinda uncomfortable because we were all alone in a dark theater on a first date. But right before the movie lots of people showed up. We sat really close in the movie but no hand holding. I think he wanted to but was unsure of how to maneuver it.

The movie let out kind of late so there was no going out after. We talked more on the ride back to his house, it was a bit more relaxed. Well we got to the house and he walked me to my car. I wasn't sure what was going to happen because I dunno...because I just wasn't sure. Well I went to hug him goodbye and he kissed me. I melted, it was weird at first but I dunno. It was nice, very sweet. Anyways I got in my car and was all giddy (I know I am a dork). Well when I was almost home I got a text "Just wanted to make sure you made it home safe. Thanks, I'd like to do it again sometime." Hehehe, that made me even more giddy because it was so sweet.

So my date did end up going very well. I was worried because he's my best friends cousin, so if things went badly I have to see him ALL THE TIME. I guess we'll see if there is a second date. For the first time I really hope there is one :) *sigh* I am such a dork.

1 comment:

wiff said...

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! lol. i'm calling you tomorrow for the scoop!! glad it went well girl!