Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm confused...

Ever think something went so great and then realize maybe it didn't?

So as you know I went on a date with my BFF's cousin. I though it was great night but he didn't call. I don't expect a call in the next couple days but within a week of the date would be nice. Since I hadn't heard from him I was figuring maybe it really wasn't that great. So I tried to stop thinking about it and keep doing what I was doing (having fun, haha). Well he did FINALLY call, exactly a week from our date. Well it was around 8PM when he called and I had just sat down to watch Anastasia (because I am a dork like that). We talked for a sec and he asked what I was doing. I told him and he tried to make a joke but I dunno. He said "oh you watching that with your husband?" I was like huh, yea does my dog count, HA. He laughed, kinda, and then said he would let me go and to call him when it was over so maybe we could plan to do something over the weekend. Well I passed out on the couch and woke up like at 11:30 to go to bed. So I texted him that and said I would call him the next day.

So I did call him the next day (Friday) and he didn't answer so I left a message (which I never do, I HATE leaving messages). Well I didn't hear from him so I went ahead and planned my weekend out.

I was out with my chicas on Saturday and I texted him, just to be like, Uh hey hows ya weekend. No response. Um k, I give up. Well Sunday at like 8AM I got a text saying he was waiting for me to call and that he knew I was working Saturday so... I was half asleep but I responded, "No not this weekend, my friends B-Day dinner was last night." No response, um k. Well he called like at 1:00 but I was getting ready to go to dad's and didn't hear the phone. I called him back at like 1:30 and he said he was sleeping. So I said I could let him go. He said no thats ok. Then after like 30 seconds he asked if he could call me back because he was half asleep. I said sure. NEVER heard from him. Soooooooooooooooooo I dunno. We only went on one date but this no call/text back stuff is kinda annoying.

I guess we'll see but to me this all says not really that interested but I maybe like you a little. Does that make any did in my head but now that I read it not so sure, haha.

1 comment:

wiff said...

so have you heard from k at all lately? or do you not care so much after the great date with the new guy?!