Monday, August 18, 2008

I am going to hell!

What do you do when you totally stick your foot in your mouth...without saying a word???

So I went meet a friend of mine for lunch (this would be good kisser from 2nd 1st date). He had been bugging me for weeks about these pictures I have. You see before him and I officially met, we evidently met. In conversation we discovered that we had met at a Halloween Party my sophomore year of College and he was dressed as a "Male Dancer" (8 years ago). I remembered some pics of a "Male Dancer" and he wanted me to scan them and email them to him. Well I kept forgetting. So finally last Friday I remembered and brought the photo album to work BUT I forgot to scan them...oops.

Flash forward to today. He calls me to go to lunch, so I said sure. There was no *Kissey Kissey* this time, I don't want to lead him on...I'm just not feeling it. After we ate he asked if he could look through the album. I said sure but mind you those are from more than just the Halloween party. So he is flipping through all the pics and I am still eating. He sees the ones from the Halloween party and said he remembered me and my friends. So he's laughing at all the pics and sees the 3-4 he showed up in. Then he asked me if he could scan them. I was like sure.

Ok, the photo album was full of captions and comments because thats when I had time to be creative ;) haha. So he is going through them taking out the ones of him and he stops dead in his tracks. I was like "what?" I looked at the picture he has stopped on and almost DIED! It was a pic of me, him and my BFF... the caption said "I dunno about you but I always thought "Male Dancers" would be much cutier..." He looked soooooooooooooo hurt and I felt sooooooooooooooo bad. Well then in true heartbreak fashion he starts with the "So you never found me was all a lie...I can't believe I thought you liked me...etc. etc. etc." I tried to apologize. I reminded him that I DID NOT know him at the time, it was 8 years ago and I was a stupid young college student. Still didn't help. He sat there just staring at me. I didn't know what else to say/do. I mean he really wasn't that cute back then. He was very skinny (not the skinny I like... I like muscular/lean skinny...he was bony), had bad poofy hair and kinda looked like a cheesy car salesman... so I am pretty sure thats why I put that caption. He doesn't look like that anymore :P well a little like a car salesman, but not THAT bad.

We are not in a relationship, nor did I ever think we would be. I mean we have fun together and he's a good kisser but I just don't feel a connection to him like that. I wouldn't mind it, he's a great guy, cute, super sweet and smart... DOH! So anyways by the time I had to leave and go back to work he said he had forgiven me and that he realized it was YEARS ago and we didn't know each other. But he still looked absolutely crushed.

So I am guessing we aren't even friends now. I doubt he will call/email me EVER again. I still feel really bad but what's done is done, can't change it now. My co-worker got a kick out of it...I guess it is a little funny, but not really, HA.

1 comment:

wiff said...

so have you heard from him again? that really sucks, how awkward! hopefully it will blow over, and yall can still be friends!