Monday, August 25, 2008

6th, 1st Date (I'm starting to lose count)

I'm on a streak...another good date, YAY!

Wow, I was not expecting to have so much fun. Okay, so I met this guy online (don't judge). We talked via social network site for a while, then I decided to give him my number. So we been talking on the phone and via text for a couple weeks. He seemed really nice, easy to talk to...and based on his pics kinda cute. My only reservation(s): I met him online, he works as a Manager at a home improvement store even though he has a degree and there was one physical thing (superficial I know but it stood out) he has a large forehead... but he still looked cute. Anyways so he finally asked me to go out this weekend.

After dinner at dads I went meet him for a movie. Tropic Thunder...HAHAHAHAHA so wrong in so many ways but Oh so funny!!!!! Anyways when he walked up I was like, why hello there; he was all stylish looking, very attractive. And he is REALLY tall. I had on 4 inch heels, and I came up to his shoulders, hahaha, I am so freaking short. Anyways we watched the movie and it was nice. He held my hand about half way through the movie. He seems very affectionate, I dunno it's just a vibe I got. Well after the movie we went hang out for a little while at this bar/grille, had a couple drinks and chatted.

We talked...ALOT. Just random things, ya know getting to know each other I guess. Well anyways, I completely lost track of time and before I knew it, it was 8:45. I had to go home, I have work early in the AM. We walked outside and were standing under this awning thing. We were waiting to see if the tropical storm going on outside would slack up enough for us to get to our cars. So we talked a little more and I shivered because it was quite windy and damp. So he put his arms around me and hugged me and it was really nice (I could just be attention starved but thats a whole other issue to blog about, haha). So we were standing there and I looked up and I think he was about to kiss me and both of us cracked up laughing because we heard the music from inside. It was Nelly, stepped on my J' just didn't fit with the moment.

Well we finally decided to make a dash for the cars, it had slacked up a bit but it was still a fairly steady drizzle. So we get to my car and I throw my purse and all inside. Well of course I am going to hug him and tell him good night he took me to the movies and drinks, I at least gotta say night. So I did and I looked up to say goodnight/thanks and this time he did kiss me
:). And I must say, he was the best thus far. It was very romantic, I mean, WOW. So there we were just the rain. Talk about getting lost in the moment. Anyways we finally said goodbye and I looked like a drowned rat but thats besides the point, haha. And I couldn't stop smiling, I wasn't supposed to like him, it was just a "sure why not, lets go on a date". I didn't plan on kissing him goodnight, that's not a guaranteed thing on a first date. Well after talking for a couple hours I kinda hoped we might but I totally didn't plan on it especially since it was raining.

So there ya go. I checked something off my must do before I die list, have a romantic kiss with a cute guy in the rain, hehehe. So all in all, I am thinking good date!

1 comment:

wiff said...

woo, yay for a great date!! and a kiss in the rain....woooooo...LOL!! i'm jealous, i think hub would have told me to get in the effin' car, he was getting wet! :D :D :D