Friday, September 5, 2008

It's always fun sitting in the dark...not so much!

Ever wonder if mother nature is a B$%^*? Answer: YES!

So it's Friday, fours days since Gustav made landfall and effed up all my labor day plans!!! I have been working EVERYDAY since the hurricane 10+ hours a day. Sitting in the garage of my office with the owner, CFO, dispatcher, 3 drivers, 1 IT guy and Lil' Ole me. No power...just a generator running a few fans, a printer and a laptop...IT'S HOT AS HELL! Today the rest of the office is here, and we have power to the building on generator now but no A/ yea. It's been interesting.

Anyways the past week I have been living at my grandparents house because its closer to work, they have no power and I don't want them alone AND there is no power at my house anyways. So every night after work, I got stopped by the national guard and had to convince them I was working and not blatantly violating curfew, went to g-parents house, helped g-maw cook dinner (gas stove and H2O heater - THANK GOD) and sat in the dark...YAY! Well everynight my internet guy called me. And we talked for hours. So we really got to know each other even more through long phone calls and texts. And everynight before bed he texted me Goodnite, with some sweet message in it. I know I am making you nausaus with cuteness right now right ;) haha.

Well anyways I am heading home tomorrow, I don't care if I have no power. If I'm gonna be in the dark it might as well be in my own house so I can clean things up! Hope I get power back soon... ):

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