Friday, July 18, 2008

Uh oh...

Help, I think one of my dates has become a bit attached to me...

It never fails, my super sweet persona makes people think I want more than I do. They think I am more interested than I really am, because of my flirty friendly personality.

So guy from my 1st, 1st date called me today. He was in my area and asked if I wanted to do lunch. Like I said before we have this connection, so I was like why not. So I met him at the restaurant. He really wanted to come pick me up but I have this thing about guys coming get me from work...unless we have been dating a while. So I get there and it was fun. He was laughing at me because I was having an AWFUL day at work. So we are sitting there eating and talking and he tells me about his best friend (a girl). Which totally doesn't bother me bc I have lots of guy friends and besides that we are just kinda dating, nothing serious. So he tells me this friend was joking with him about how he's only supposed to go to the movies with her, not other girls (he took me to see kung fu panda). To which he replied, "I never said that, I said even when either of us is in a relationship we will still make time to hang out." I didn't really respond. I wasn't sure what to say. Was he implying we were in a relationship? Are we in a relationship? Not by my standards but...

So I kinda glazed over it and I tell him I want to go see the new Batman. He said thats what she wants to see. Then he invited me to go with them. I came up with some excuse...I don't think I am in a place right now where I need to be meeting best friends. Thats just below meeting the family and I am definitely not there.

After lunch he walked me to my car. He kinda cornered me in the door and said he had something for me. Evidently at some point in our conversations I had mentioned my favorite candy...he brought me a bag to bring back to work. It was really sweet of him. So I am trying to avoid the kiss like the plague, cuz it just ruins it for me. He was playing with my hair and touching my face and I was like oh crap. So I went to get in my car and he kissed me, but it was a very sweet gentle kiss, no tongue. Doh, great now he's going to be all in my thoughts again. The thing is I don't think I want to be in a relationship, it doesn't matter how clear I make that, its like its not heard. I do like him, but I don't see us together. Does that make any sense? OK I am going to get back to work now.

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