Friday, May 2, 2008

What am I...chopped liver???

OKAY now I am really confused…!

Last night at 9:00 PM I received a call from my ‘ex’ (I’m really not sure what to call him now). He was calling to say hello and tell me about the animals. Well 5 seconds into the conversation he got REALLY quiet and soft spoken. I asked what was wrong and he said he didn’t know he was just in a lot of pain. I asked what hurt and he said he wasn’t sure. I sat on the phone listening to him writhe in pain. Suddenly he said “Come home!” I was a little shocked and said what. He said “Please come home I don’t know what’s wrong I’m having stabbing pains in my abdomen”. He sounded on the verge of tears which is highly unusual for him…so I said OK. I went downstairs and told my step mom and was so torn. I was like “If he’s lying I’m gonna kill him, but if something is wrong and I do not go I’ll feel terrible”. She said to go, and I felt like I needed to go.

So I drove back to my house (20-30 min away). I was greeted by my animals, all very excited to see me. I found him taking a very hot bath. He looked terrible. His eyes were blood shot and he was pale. I asked what was wrong; he said he wasn’t sure but his back really hurt and his abdomen hurt. His dad said he thinks it’s a Kidney Stone. So I got him water to drink and sat on the floor in the bathroom and just watched him writhe in pain. I kept the animals busy and talked a little to make sure he was OK. He said if he didn’t pass something soon we may have to go to the ER. After about 20 minutes he got out the tub and went to the couch. He was in so much pain. He could barely talk or keep his eyes open. I kept the animals busy and he fell asleep. Well I was feeling quite a bit useless and wondering why he even called me to come…

Well he woke up when I let the dogs out and we started talking. I took care of him. I got him water and made sure he wasn’t running fever. When it got passed 11PM I decided I wasn’t driving back to Dad’s house. So I asked him if he was OK bc I was going shower. He said he was fine.

When I came out I checked on him. Sat on the floor by the sofa and talked to him. He got all emotional. He hugged me and kissed my forehead and apologized for scaring me all the while squirming with pain. Then he wanted me to lie next to him. I said I didn’t want to hurt him (couch is not very big). He said I wouldn’t so I climbed up next to him and he hugged and snuggled with me. Then out of the blue he kissed me, a very romantic affectionate long kiss. Which has not happened for a while…he has not really kissed me in over a month…well other then a peck on the lips. So I’m like what the hell. So we stayed there for a long time. He was in so much pain. Then around 12AM-ish he got up to use the bathroom. I followed but stayed on the floor in the bedroom with the dogs. He was in there for a while then around 12:22AM came out and said he felt so much better. Um ok.

Well we went to bed…I slept in the bed, he on the floor. I didn’t ask why…it may have started a fight.

Well we got up to get ready for work. He was very sluggish. He said he felt bad again. He might have another stone. I tried to see if I could help but he just kept saying he was fine. So we got outside to leave and he didn’t attempt to tell me good bye…he just stared at me. So I asked if I could have a hug, he half hugged me, said thanks for coming home and then said have a good day and he’d call me if anything changed. What the hell?!?

So I get a call at 8:00AM-ish and it’s his mom. They had been trying to call him and he didn’t answer so they were worried and called me. I told her how things went last night and she said OK, hopefully he’ll get better soon. Well I saw him online so I sent him a message to see if he was ok. He replied, “I OK” then said he talked to his dad and had to go. So I called his mom to make sure. She said he told his dad that he was in serious pain and might not be able to stay at work. That he was worried about his business trip coming up Sunday and that he was hurting. I mean really what the hell?!?! Why ask for my ‘help’ then act like everything is OK after when its not. I am so flipping confused. He needed me last night and now I am nothing again. How in the world am I supposed to feel about that???????

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