Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Lemon Grew Legs and Tried to Attacked Me...

It's not even October yet...right?

Last night I was exhausted, so when I went to bed I was OUT like a light. Around 12 - 12:30 I heard a noise. I rolled over and saw the hall bathroom light on. I was like "Oh, my 'roommate' had to potty, whatever." He was in there a while so his dog got upset and came in the bed with me. I was just starting to fall back asleep when his dog JUMPED from a dead sleep to up on all fours in a split second. This crazy motion scared me and I jumped. Then he started sniffing (hound dog style) all over the bed, the other dogs and me. If a dog can looked confused/scared, that was the look he had. So I am like what the hell stupid dog. Then all of a sudden the cat, who was sleeping by my head went into stalking mode staring in his direction. Suddenly she leaps OVER my dog and starts rolling all over the foot of the bed. By this time I was out of the bed and like WHAT THE HELL IS IN MY ROOM?!?!?!? Mind you all I had time to turn on, until now, was the TV so it was very dark. The cat stopped rolling, jumped off the bed and ran down the roommates dog followed but only to the gate (he can't jump over it like she can).

I checked the ENTIRE room. I didn't see anything, so I settled down and tried to go back to sleep. Before I could relax I hear this commotion in the hallway. Its his dog going ballistic and the cat darting up and down the hall. Well I finally got up and me and my roommate ran into each other trying to see what was going on but we can barely see anything and the hall light is broken. The cat is at our end of the hall...she goes into crouching tiger stance. Suddenly she darts down the hall leaps at least 3 feet into the air and pounces on something at the other end of the hall. She skidded 4-5 feet with whatever it was pinned under her front paws. After about, oh I dunno, a second she starts beating the living daylights out of the floor. Well we ran down the hall to see what it was a MASSIVE cockroach!!! And it was trying to get away from the psycho kitty that just tried to beat it into the floor, so what does it runs straight to ME! So now I am running down the hall going "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!". My roommate finally kills it and we all calm down. So all I can figure is it crawled on the dog (better him than me) and freaked him the heck out.

Well of course now I am totally freaked out because that is my phobia...I can deal with ANY other bug...not Roaches!!!!!! And it was in my bed...OMG!!!! So I tried to go to sleep but I was paranoid. I slept with the TV on, had in ear plugs (not bc of noise from the TV) and every few minutes I would get chills down my spine.

Well I FINALLY start to doze off again when I feel something touch my face..."AHHHHHHHH". I jumped up so fast but my two dogs had me pinned so I only sat up. I'm looking all over for another was a critter cat decided she wanted to was her whiskers. I wanted to kick her butt, she scared the cah cah outta me! So yea I didn't really sleep good last night.

1 comment:

wiff said...

UGH!!! better you than me, that's all i have to say...hub would've had to peel me off the ceiling!! soooo yuck!!