Friday, September 12, 2008

I don't know what to think...

No really I'm a little confused!

OK so I went on yet another date with my Internet guy. He asked me to come over to his place to watch a movie/dinner. I was a little apprehensive about this one because we all know what most men think when a girl is coming over for the first time AND he lives with his mom and lil brother. I was trying to find every excuse in the book not to go. He somehow talked me into it!!!

I got there and I meet his mom and bro, which is WEIRD for me because I usually do not meet family members until we have been dating for a while. We've been talking since the very end of July and its only the beginning of September...not nearly long enough. Anyways, his mom had cooked. It was really good too. They left us to eat it was me him and their 3 little yippy dogs that barked at me the entire time. After we ate his mom was like I hope your not scared of them, I was like oh no, I have 3 VERY big dogs, ankle biters do not phase me - haha, its true!

A bit later he asked me if I wanted to go watch a his room. Can I just tell you how awkward that was for me?!? Its like "hey mom, I'm gonna take this girl you just met to my bedroom, k lata." I know, I know we are adults but its still uncomfortable. Not to mention what went through my head...we all know what goes on in the bedroom, ah hem.

We started watching a movie and I layed down the law REAL quick. He wasn't pushy or anything but he was a little touchy feely so, I figured I needed to make sure we were on the same page.

Don't get me wrong there was alot of making out but thats as far as it went. But then the weirdest thing happened. He looked at me, told me how much he liked me, how amazing he thought i was and wasn't sure how I felt but wanted to see if I wanted to take things to the next level. I think I gave him a funny look because he back tracked quickly and said "or we can get to know each other better and see what happens." I nodded to that part but I was confused. What was he talking about?!? Was he propositioning me for sex or was he asking me out? I really wasn't sure... I thought I made it clear sex was something that was out of the question...for a while, THATS a big step for me, especially if I like someone. So what was it, he never clarified what he was asking, he just snuggled up to me and we finished watching the movie.

I do not know what to think... any suggestions?!?!?!

1 comment:

wiff said...

you should ask him!! haha. i am all about the blunt conversations...i mean, you were blunt and told him that you didn't want to move too i would just come out with it and ask him the next time he brings something like that up. i'm really happy for you though, that things are going well!!