Thursday, October 2, 2008

Date with a Lawyer :P

How do you tell someone to 'hush' or rather S.T.F.U. without being rude?

Ok so my godmother somehow talked me into meeting one of the Lawyers in her office. I didn't really want to go because 1. The last time I was set up by a family member it was disastrous and 2. I kinda like my internet guy (A LOT). Well I tell my godmother this but all she can say is, "Whaddaya got to lose?" And she's right internet guy and I are not 'exclusive' but still.

So I go meet this guy. He's very, um, nice. Ok I am being nice. He annoyed the crap outta me. So here is why I do not think I am interested.
1. He is 10 years older than me
2. He wanted to meet at a Coffee Shop
3. He is balding...a lot...and has a cover up thing going on (just shave it)
4. He's NEVER been in a super serious relationship...most were short
5. Oh and the kicker...He wouldn't stop talking...about himself!

Seriously I couldn't get a word in. I would start talking and he would actually interrupt me and start talking about himself. It was so annoying. So pretty much I sat there for a couple hours listening to him chat about...HIM. What ticked me off was we met at 7PM, I was flipping starving and he never once said wanna get a bite to eat. I would have paid for it, I don't care about that but I needed food! At one point he said he chose a Coffee Shop because he wanted me to feel comfortable. I said in my lil sarcastic voice, "Honestly I'm a lot more comfortable with a beer in my hand." Ha ha, then he said, I kid you not, "Note to self." OMG really!!! Like I said I could barely get a word in. Finally I interrupted him and said it's late I really have to go (it was a little after 9PM). He walked me to my car and I think expected a kiss, he got a hug. He asked for my number but before I could say anything he said never mind I have that from your Aunt. I was like GREAT, :P. So I left and immediately called my friend and told her everything, haha. I had to stop at McDonald's for food...I didn't want to eat fast food but I was DYING!

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