Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Drunk Dialings Bad, mmmk

Yea, we've all done it, HUSH!

The thing is I usually only drunk dial my friends...not last night, oh no I decided it was a good idea to drunk dial my internet guy. Who else here thinks that's a good one... ya sure? OK so here's the scoop.

Last night we went out for 4 of my friends birthdays. We decided to get them all done at once. So we went out to dinner. It was so much fun. We were just cutting up and talking about everything you could think of. I swear the older women next to us blushed a few times because of the topics of conversation, ah hem. Anyways at dinner we each had 2 martinis (yum). Then afterwards for some ungodly reason we decided we wanted to go hang out at a bar for a while.

So there we are drinking lots of beer and doing SHOTS, yes that's right I said shots. Who thinks its a good idea to do shots on a work night? Well evidently we thought it was a great idea last night :P. At some point my brain kicked in and I decided to check the time, it was 1AM... holy crap, I have to getup at 6am!!! So we all immediately left.

This is when my bright idea kicked in o_O. After dropping off one of the B-day girls I called my internet guy (at this point it was one fifteen in the morning). The funny part was that he actually answered, HA.

So we proceeded to have this "conversation"...let me rephrase that I proceeded to jabber and he laughed at me...A LOT. If you don't know I am a closed book when it comes to certain things. I do not talk openly about Sex, my sex life, etc etc etc with newbies. My girls, hell we have some crazy talks but new guy...yea not so much.

Well we had this talk...over the phone...while I was not drunk so to say but buzzing really good. Don't ask me how this came up but we talked about how many people we'd had SEX with, how long those relationships were, we talked about both being 'clean', the list goes on and on. At some point I made reference to the dress I was wearing and how I thought I needed help getting it off of me and I am pretty sure I asked for his assistance...seriously what was I thinking, haha. Anyways this morning when I crawled out of bed to go to work the converstaion came flooding back and well YEA I wanted to crawl in a hole, so I texted him saying "thanks for listening to my dumb ass last night, hope I wasn't too silly for you." He called, while I was driving to work. He is way too sweet, ahhhhhhhh. He said he loved talking to me and was glad I called. I told him I was so embarrassed (cuz I was) about the topics of conversation. He said I had nothing to be embarrassed about he said he was getting a kick out of me and thought it was adorable. OMG really?! He said he's kinda glad I talked about it while a little tipsy because it wasn't unconfortable at all, I was cracking jokes the whole time. Yáll know me I get goofy when I am "drunk". So he made me feel better so to say but I still feel like an A$$! I called this guy I actually kinda like and had a 30 minute converation with him about all kinds of sex stuff.

I am a goob! Haha.

1 comment:

wiff said...

oh goodness...and i missed it! damn it!! :P