Monday, December 1, 2008

I hate mechanics!

Do I have DUMB BLONDE tattooed on my forehead?!?

The answer is NO! OK so Friday (yes the day AFTER Thanksgiving) I went to get a new tire. You see the other day I noticed it was low and filled it up. By Friday morning it was low again, oh joy :P. So I took the tire off and saw it was REALLY REALLY worn. I put it back on and took off the other back tire (I figured if one is worn so is the other and I'll need two). Much to my surprise it looked almost brand new! So I call around in the small burb I live in to see who had my tire. My usual mechanic couldn't get it in until Tuesday (can't do that). NO PLACE had my freaking tire in stock!!!! Well except this one national tire chain place. Fine, whatever, I'll go there.

I tell the guy I need 1 tire and an alignment. The guy tells me it'll be an hour. Ok yay, whatever I have a book. TWO hours later I get my car back. I was so glad to leave bc the football game was about to start and I wanted to see it, plus I was STARVING!!! Well I am driving down the highway and I notice something steering wheel is CROOKED!!!!! Like not just slightly pulling to the left like it was before, it was off by about 20 degrees. WTF, it was NOT doing that when I brought it in!!! I was pissed! Well I was almost to this chicken place, so I got lunch and headed back to the idiots to get it fixed.

They see me walk in and are like "Uh oh". I tell them whats up in the calmest tone I could sum up. The guy says "Did Shawn or Duckie work on her car" I was like I dont give a flying F--K who did it, fix it. Well they decide it was Duckie. I almost DIED when he walked out. He had on 4 inch thick glasses and was cross eyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I am all about equal employment oppertunity but SERIOUSLY, he was doing an ALINGMENT, how can you align my wheels if you are cross eyed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Well normally I am quite tight lipped but I couldn't bite my tongue. I was like, "No! No way, I want someone ELSE to fix it, sorry." I caused such a fuss they said "OKAY"

Another HOUR goes by (I missed most of the 1st half of the game :P) and Duckie comes and brings me my keys and apologizes. I was like, really, whatever. So I took off. It seemed to be fine, but I knew the true test would be the interstate.

Later that night I was booking it doing 60-65 MPH down the interstate, the car was jerking to the left (never did that before). It was only 7:30 and I knew they closed at 8:00. I called and went off. I was like "Um you might remember me...." And I went through ALL that happened earlier. They guy didn't know what to say but bring it back in the morning. I talked to my friends husband and he said this place is BAD NEWS. They Eff up cars all the time, I should never go there again (awesome, wish I woulda known that before).

FLASH FORWARD to Saturday at 7AM, they have no POWER! Can my luck get any better????????? Bring the car back finally :P, aw shucks duckie wasn't there. Well they fix it in like 20 min. YAY!!! After I know the car is ok. I caused a scene. I demanded a refund and promised to write an awful review. They said but I got a tire and an alignment. I said I will happily pay for the tire but there is NO WAY in hell I am paying for the alignment. They tried to argue, then I started talking about how I heard about their poor business practices when it comes to changing oil, fixing alignments, etc. Well since I was causing yet another scene in-front of other customers they gave me a refund to shut me up. HAHAHAHA :P And of course as I was leaving I said they lost a good customer and that I would make sure no one I knew came in there ever again, then I recommend the same to people staring at me as I left. Hey I can be a 'B' when I need to be!

So I am pretty sure they hate me, but I don't care. They effed up my lil car, you don't mess with me or my car.

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