Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Raining Men...

...And here I am without my Umbrella!

Holy crap, I dunno what to do. Okay so last night I went to the Rehearsal Dinner with Friend's Cousin. We had so much fun!!! I made friends with the wife of one of the Usher's so her and I were cutting up the whole time. Me and my date were goofing off also. He was MUCH more comfortable with me this time and definitely more flirty.

It was so embarrassing at one point because we were sitting there talking and we can hear the people at one end of the table saying to take the Bride and Grooms order first. So I am talking to my new friend and my date was telling a story, I believe and all of a sudden I hear the waitress say, "they told me to take your order first" to my date. He played it off very well and I just laughed. Then I turned around and the Usher said "you're gonna need 10 glasses of wine after that one", haha.

Well anyway, the way we were seated two of the groomsmen without dates were across from us. They are old military buddies of the Groom. One was very cute/charming and the other I swear was gay but he had a wedding band sooooooo I dunno. Well the cute one was FLIRTING with me, like shamelessly. I know my date noticed...well he may not have he was having too much fun swapping stories with the Groom. Don't get me wrong this guy very attractive but seriously man, I was with someone, STOP FLIRTING. I took it as a compliment though, I must have looked quite HOT!

A good time was had by all and it really made me lookforward to the wedding tomorrow. I think I'll have a good time :). After the dinner ended I got hugs from everyone, yay they must have liked me ;) haha. Well my date brought me back to my car and I headed home. Before I was half way there he called. He wanted to tell me to drive safe and that I looked very pretty tonight (which he must have said 10 times throughout the night). THen he said "so what's it like still living with your Ex?" Um, what, how in tha world...Um, k. Well I explained the situation and he started laughing. He said I am a better person than him. I think I made him feel better when I said "Thats been over since april, we are Literally roomates, he does his thing I do my thing and we will go our seperate ways once we sell the house". He seemed ok with it, but its hard to tell over the phone but he still asked me to call when I got in my house so he knew I was safe, aw.

When I called he said again how nice I looked and that he had lots of fun. He said he'll call me today :D.

So why is it raining men. Well...
1. I had another good date with Friends Cousin
2. Best Man was Flirting with me ALL night
3. Internet guy texted and called me a few times "just to say hello and goodnight"
oh yea and
4. when I was leaving, I noticed my Ex watching me out of the corner of my eye (he never does that)

What to do, what to do? Oooo Ooooo Oooooo I know, go compleltly insane and have my best friend commit me :P. So what I predicted happened BUT it happened at the Rehearsal not the Wedding. I am NOT ready to be tied down to one guy. I like Internet Guy a lot I really do but I am not even close to being ready to be in another semi-serious relationship.

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