Sunday, October 5, 2008

He is too good to be true!

Why aren't all guys this amazing...?

OK so today was a very busy day for me. First I met my girls at the mall to shop for the big concert and I got fitted for yet another Bridesmaid Dress! Well after we were done at the mall my Internet Guy wanted to come meet me for a late lunch and whatever.

So we met up at this great Italian Grill by the mall and had lunch and stuff. Afterward we couldn't decide what to do, so I suggested my old stompin' grounds ;). My Grammar school was having their annual fair and I hadn't been in a few years, so we went.

We played booth games, rode rides and walked around. It was so simple but so nice. I even ran into a couple of old teachers that actually recognized me (it's been 14 years since they taught me). We had a couple beers there then headed over to a Bar & Grill to meet his cousin and shoot some pool. Okay correction, they shot pool, I drank a purple people eater ;). I got hit on by our Waitress...yes that' s right I said waitress o_O. I guess I was giving off the ' vibe' that night. Then him and I were going to go see a movie after that but we ended up just talking in the car and then going to another bar.

Okay so we didn't just talk in the car but its kind of hard not to just attack him :D haha. Well we ended up having "the talk", the one I have been dreading because I didn't know how he'd react...

I finally had to tell him about my living situation, which I was a lil' nervous about doing...I mean how do you tell a guy you like, "Uh hey by the way I still live with my Ex that I was sort of engaged too and was with for 5 years". But I couldn't put it off anymore because he wanted to help me out by coming to my house so I didn't have to drive so much...which is really sweet BUT CANNOT happen, haha. He actually took it quite well. I was surprised. He said he knew something was up (dude I am the WORST liar, you can see right through me, haha). He said I seemed like a trustworthy person and if I say me and him are done and JUST roommates he believes me. Aw :D. Anyways, that' s my story ;)