Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm so happy I could POP!

Is that even possible?!?!?!

I know I know it's been a while since I have updated you, sorry it's been a little nutsy over here!

So why am I so happy you might ask? Well it's because I have the most AMAZING boyfriend. No lie he is just awesome! We don't spend every waking moment together (that would be over kill this early on) but we see each other once or twice during the week and usually at least one day on the weekend. And every time we are together we learn something new about each other. We have so much in common its sick ;) haha. When we talk its like we've known each other for quite some time instead of just a couple months, weird....isn't it??? Plus, he gets along great with my crazy friends (that's crazy in a good way ;)) and actually likes my family...well the ones he has met. And they like him so far and have now invited him to everything, haha.

He bonded with one of my good friends this past weekend, they were each others "date" to a wedding the rest of us were in. I haven't talked to her too much about it but he had a great time and thinks my friend is super fun and funny haha. His family seems to like me also. Well the ones I've met ;) and I think they are great...very similar to mine haha. I went to dinner once at his grandparents house and they ask if I am coming every week now (I've gone a second time). His mom asked him to babysit the lil sis (she's young) and then asked if I would go too. So I played with her for a while before it was bed time. She's sweet, a lil bossy but she really doesn't have any siblings to compete with... there is a 10 year difference between her and her closest sibling (his younger bro).

*sigh* It's almost surreal, ya know. I've had good relationships before but I've never been so comfortable with someone not even my Ex, now roommate, and we were very close...well for a while. I keep waiting for the floor to fall out from under me. I know, I know stop being negative but I can't help it. Good things do NOT happen to me usually so when something seems so great, I get kind of nervous about it. I think he is scared too though, we've talked about our past relationships...he has had horrible luck with women...he's been cheated on a few times, he was engaged and she broke it off out of the blue...things like that will scar a person and well I seem to attract, socially detached or OVERLY jealous or just plain crack crazy, men.

So what I am saying is so far so good...actually so far REALLY good. Somebody pinch me! On second thought, don't do that I am liking this too much :D

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