Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stop Hatin' Biotch

Why can't some people just be happy for me?!

So I am still dating younger guy ;) Yay hahaha. And all my friends and the family that knows seem to be super excited for me. But I have once again attracted juvenile drama. You see he lives in the city I work in (about 40 min from where I live). So sometimes I will stay after work and hang out with him till 10 or so then head home. On weekends I stay MUCH later.

Well the past few times I informed my roomie I was not going back to the house right after work he got a lil pissy with me. Like Holy Thursday for example. I told him a few days before that I would be staying late in BR since I didn't have work on Friday. He threw a FIT. He said I had to come home and take care of the dogs bc he was working late. Ummmm OK. I was like WTF you work 10 min can't leave for 30 min and go take care of them? I work 45 min away...I am not driving home and then driving back! Needless to say I got a message while at work saying, nevermind I can go to the house for a few don't worry about it.

Well Monday (two days ago) I had to work late, so I decided to stay and see my new guy. I made sure to ask Roomie if it was "ok" :P. He said yea that's fine. Well I found out that night that my guy had tix to the baseball game. So I texted roomie to tell him...he said and I quote "And? I'm working late". I was like, um I didn't know that...guess I am not going to the game. He texted back "well I was going to work late tonight but I didn't want you to miss your date so i had them move it to tomorrow :P". I was like um ok. "Well the date was actually for the game tomorrow :P". He said "not my problem I'm working late you can't go, you don't like baseball anyway". I didn't reply. But I was like WTF, do you know me?! I grew up watching my bros play ball and I love baseball! Anyways now I am pissed so I am like, NO he is not going to keep me from having fun because he is all of a sudden a jealous person. So I called my momma and she was more than happy to help me ;)

So SIDE story hahaha: I was at my guys house Monday night and he gets a phone call. Of course all I hear is his side "Oh hey! Yea I'm home. NOLAgurl is here. Yea no I guess that's ok. ALL OF YOU! Yea yea that's ok I guess. No, no I think it's ok. OK see you soon." Meanwhile he is staring at me with this "I am so sorry look". It was his mom, they were coming by to bring the baseball tix...along with his step dad and lil sis. So I met some of the fam. They were VERY nice but I was SUPER nervous. I didn't have time to mentally prepare. I found out yesterday they thought I was really nice and liked that I actually talked and laughed...but his mom said "tell her not to be so nervous next time." DOH was it that obvious, hehehe.

OK back to my rant. So I go to the game last night and it was a bit chilly. So we were all snuggled up on the bleachers. My roomie's friends were up in the bleachers above us and I guess they saw...whatever! We had fun :). Well I got home last night and Roomie was still awake... SHOCKING...and he was an ASS! He was very cold towards me like I did something terribly wrong. So me being me, I was like hey...have rough day. He grunted. So I was like oooooooooooooooooookkkkkkk. I went shower and took the pups out and went to bed. He didn't say a word (he usually says goodnight if he sees me in the hall). Ok what-ev. This morning same shtuff. Just being COLD and acting like I should feel bad. So all I can think of is he doesn't like how I've been acting. You see although I have been dating since last May after we split, I have not been in a 'relationship'. No one was worthy enough, hahaha. Anyways, lately I have been on CLOUD NINE. If I can tell, I know other people can see it and I don't think he likes it. Plus I am fairly certain he got a text or email from one of his buds about my 'date'. Oh well his loss, right...he broke up with me remember. Not that I am complaining, that was the best thing he EVER could have done for me. Ok I done ranting now :)

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