Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I have a boyfriend!

Who-da thought that would happen anytime soon?!

So yea if you haven't heard yet I am actually in a relationship of sorts. And the good thing is when he said "I really like you and was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend..." I didn't have a spaz attack and say I wasn't ready ;) haha. I was like yea I would like that. So that's good right?!

Anyways, I am really happy. He is just a great guy. He acts like a guy (not like a sissy mommas boy :P), shows me he likes me and is just a lot of fun to be around.

He called me yesterday at work and asked if I would come over after work. I made sure my roomie would be home to let the pups out and said sure. He cooked for me... Like not a frozen pizza, he actually cooked. Nothing fancy (shake and bake pork chops and Pasta Roni) but its the thought that counts right ;) haha. His twin actually talked this time... I think he said 6 words ;). Younger guy said both of them are a little quiet around new people. So he never says anything when I am over there except calls the puppy who loves to follow me and younger guy around, hehe.

Well yesterday his twin and I were making fun of him while he was trying to cook...kinda a bonding momnet... hahaha. But that was the extent of our talking. It was fun. Of course at one point I started helping with the preperations and he was like "Hey, no, I am doing the cooking, haha" I was like my bad, its kinda a habit..have fun :D.

We hung out for a few hours and it was really nice. I hope it stays like this. I don't want to over think things but I really think we could have something pretty good. I guess we'll see :)


wiff said...

ooh congrats!!

NOLA Gurl said...

Thanks! I am very excited!