Wednesday, January 7, 2009

On Cloud Nine - Hahaha

"Like sands through the hour glass...these are the days of our lives"

Hahaha. Yes that is right I feel like I live in a Soap Opera these days. So update from previous post... Y'all should not let me blog when I am PMS-ing....I get all overly emotional, haha. I mean it was real to an extent and he (internet guy) is really sweet but I want a guy not an emotional needy mess :P.

So why the Soap Drama you may ask...? Well ya see wha ha happen wuz...haha. What happened was I got a text on Sunday (day after I went out for Internet Guys B-day "Bash") from Friend's cousin. He made a comment about how he guessed I never wanted to see him again bc we haven't seen each other since Thanksgiving. I was like's that all my fault. Anyways he asked me to call him Monday...OkeeDokee. Well we talked and come to find out he thought I didn't want him to call me for whatever reason. He said he didn't want to annoy me by calling too much. I was like it wouldn't bother me, it's ok to call. Then I told him I was feeling the same I didn't want to cross a line by calling too much. After quite a legnthy conversation he asked if I wanted to come see his new house tomorrow (yesterday by this post). Sure why not.

Well we really just hung out and watched no major makeout time BUT I really like being with him... or the idea of him.  He's a guy.  He shows he likes me but with no DRAMA.  Now I will NEVER be with him bc... well bc he disappears for days at a time but thats ok.  I get it.  He got burned...burned bad by an ex and the fact that I still live with mine WEIRDS him out.  But I need to find another one, like him but not so... cautious!  Like I said i get it but if you know me you know my living situation is completely platonic now.  

As for internet guy... I don't know what to do.  I am trying REALLY REALLY hard not to crush him but he doesn't take a freakin' hint!  I like him...I do but I can't get past his... well the things he tells me will change but don't.  I have my own trust issues and the whole living at home/dead end job/DRAMA thing is a real turn off.  

Plus, we don't look cute together...I know that sounds SUPER shallow BUT its true.  We just don't fit...visually.  Oe maybe thats just me, I dunno.  Ask my girl that came to dinner the other night what she thought ;) HA.

So seriously stop letting me blog when I am full of hormones, its just a BAD idea :D  haha.