Sunday, July 21, 2024

I can't see in the dark!!!

So somehow, someway someone convinced me to join a DnD campaign.  I have nothing against DnD.  But in all my years I have NEVER played.  I understand the basics... roll for initiative...20 Sided Die, etc etc. 

So now I am a Sorceress....who can't see in the dark.  Which is apparently weird but I didn't know what I was doing and here we are!

Anywhos during the 1st "battle" we are fighting Goblins.   Now mind you my nerd@$$ has been drinking because that's what adults who play DnD do. 

I'm on like my 3rd glass of wine and my "inept" Sorceress f**cking nails the Goblin in the head in one shot.  Suck it jerks!

Well the remaining Goblin "flees" down the path and my team is like "We should follow it". I'm like naw that ain't our job.  We were hired to get the loot to the city!!!  So obvi we are gonna follow it and I'm like "I'll only go if I get to meet the Goblin King!!!"

Slowly giggles...then full belly laughter!   

So I clarify "Wait! By Goblin King I mean Jareth...and by Jareth I mean David Bowie's Version!!!!"

The DM is dying and says "If you keep saying stuff, I'm gonna make you do it!"

Oh nooos please don't make me meet David Bowie's Goblin King!

So someone says "so would that make you a Goblin or like a Goblin Princess????"

And I'm like "Ma'am I would be his Goblin Queen all day long!"

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