Barry (also known as a mother f**ker) took his sweet @$$ time making his way here...freaking everyone the hell out with all that "30 inches of rain" bull$hit, only to go poof basically.
Don't get me wrong...some $hit went down and people lost some belongings and my heart goes out to them. In my area it was 3 days BEFORE landfall. I'm not even sure it was part of the "storm". But for all the crazy being shown on National TV you woulda thought ALL of Louisiana was under water *rolling eyes*. So for my sanity (and because we all drank a lot being in doors for almost 3 days) are my fav memes from the storm that never really was.

In the end know we are funny as hell down here. We take $hit seriously but if we don't laugh we all go a lil cray cray. *cheers*
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