Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm Engaged :D

Who thought that would ever happen...not me ;) hahaha

How did it happen:
Well on Christmas Eve we were hanging out at my house, wrapping the rest of the presents and waiting for Midnight. You see him and I decided that we will exchange on Christmas Eve at midnight so we aren't rushed on Christmas. Well while I was sitting on the floor wrapping and wrapping and wrapping, making all of the presents perfect and pretty, he was taking off price tags and being silly, keeping me company. Well around 11:00PM he started acting...odd. We both were having a glass of wine. At 11, he poured more wine...for both of us and was like drink up. I thought it was strange because he is not really a drinker but ok. Then he was in and out with the dogs like 10 times. Then he had TWO beers. I was like dude what is your deal. Now you might be saying, didn't I start to get suspecious, but no I didn't because I didn't think we would get engaged until next year....after or around our Disney Trip. Plus he is funny like that with Presents. . . he is always worried I won't like what he got me, silly boy. So no alarms were going off.

At midnight, on the dot he was like "lets exchange". Okee Dokee. He had this bright green, shiny bag. He put it next to me (I was sitting on my Love-seat). Then he said "*name* you know you mean alot to me, right". And I said "yeeeeees...." He then grabbed my hands and got really close to my face and proceeded to drop down on his knee and said "will you marry me". To which I replied "of course" and we kissed (aw ;) hahaaha). It was very simple and traditional and just like I imagined it would happen :D. So then I looked at the bag and reached for it but he said "wait wait wait, I have to explain something". Oooooooookay. He said "I talked to your mom and she wants us to use the diamonds in her ring. BUT her ring was in a lock-box at a bank and the box was lost after Katrina...but they found it she just has to make sure she has access to it." Luckily I knew about the lock-box...I didn't know why they were looking for it but I knew of the situation. So he said whats in there is a 'standin' until we can get her diamonds in the setting he picked out. So I open the box (from Jared ;) haha) and there is this gorgeous band with three sapphires and and three little diamonds. Its just so pretty. Then he showed me the setting he likes and its GORGEOUS and I cannot wait to get moms diamonds so I can wear it.

And before you ask, obviously he talked to my mom but yes he also talked to my dad and they are both thrilled. He's a great guy and we mesh really really well. Anyways that's my story, short and simple :).

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